Best Method for "short run" of PCBs
Assuming I have either gerber files or accurate resolution PCB trace-layouts on acetate films for double sided PCB design. What is the most cost effective way to get a short run of boards made?
Service Bureau (if so, who)
Self service (if so, what "supplies" would I need)
Thanks in advance to all that reply.
Service Bureau (if so, who)
Self service (if so, what "supplies" would I need)
Thanks in advance to all that reply.
BatchPCB is much slower, but has a better price when doing silkscreen & soldermask or when doing small boards. Problem is it takes a long long time since the boards come from china. It's been about 3 weeks and I'm still waiting on my first order (it should take about a month total at the maximum).
I've tried making my own boards at home, but it's been time consuming and error-prone (probably due to my inexperience) and I find it much either just to have the boards professionally made.
great and they can also provide production quantities if needed.
Rich H
The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.
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What kind of turnaround time do you get from Advanced Circuits? I'd really like to transition to someone who has both a good price on soldermasked boards and offers a reasonably quick turnaround time. I looked into Advanced Circuits once, but got lost in their myriad of slightly-different websites (advanced circuits, 4pcb, 33each, freedfm, etc)
Harley Shanko
12" x 14" = 168 square inches
6 boards x 168 = 1008 @ around $550 = $0.545 cent per Sq inch
60 Sq inches max @ $33 = $0.55 per Sq inch.
Post Edited (Todd Chapman) : 5/15/2010 5:25:18 PM GMT
Only Eurocard format, but they depanelize for free.
I love the free DFM check service they provide. Of course I do my own checks before I send it off, but I really like having the fabricators system do a check too so I know we are both getting it right.
And the $33 / board is a great deal
normally I don't use anywhere near 60 square inches on a single pcb so I always panelize the boards and cut them apart myself.
Buy 4 boards and get 1 free, but there's a $50 charge for multiple boards per panel
Here's a recent project:
9 small pcbs + 2 medium pcbs per panel
= 55 boards @ $206 delivered price = ~ 2.75 per board.
If its shipping to a school address ... you can order as few as 1 board at a time.
Oh and I totally agree with Phil about about AC's popcorn!
Could you give any additional information about the procedure to panelize the boards? I'm using Eagle. Is there a particular program that you use to postprocess the gerbers to panelize, or is the panelization built into the layout software you're using?
Also, what process do you use to cut the boards apart? Any special tools?
This really sounds like it could be the cost-effective way to go, as I often have lots of small projects I could easily combine into a panel.
For cutting them apart, I space everything 1/8th inch and use my dremel with metal cutoff blades. After cutting I use a belt sander to trim them down to the right size.
I've tried to use a scroll saw before, but the pcb material eats up blades like crazy, so the dremel works the best for me until I find a blade that can keep up.
I appreciate the thought, though, so I usually put a 'token of appreciation' with orders I ship.
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Am I starting to sound like Andy Rooney yet? "And what is it with those non-reusable Priority Mail boxes? ..."
Leon Heller
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Post Edited (Leon) : 5/19/2010 12:11:42 PM GMT
I never got a coaster; now I feel cheated! So I may give Sunstone a try just for the loupe ... er, I mean, for their boards' technical superiority ... yeah, that's the ticket!
One of my gripes about the popcorn is its not-insubstantial weight -- more than the boards, usually. If I'm in a hurry and have my order shipped overnight, the popcorn makes for a rather expensive "free" gift.
Tracy Allen
Be careful! You could be charged with spreading toxic waste! (I know California is really strict about such things.)
Back on topic, the thing about PCB houses is that you get used to the way that they do business, how their ordering system works, who to call if you have a problem or special request or need to reorder an old board. There is a certain inertia about change. 4PCB has had a nice online quote system for a long time.
One thing to remember if you are doing a short run (like 10 to 100 boards) is that you can game the quote system. This may apply to any supplier, not just 4PCB. Once you have decided on the board size and specifics, increase or decreased your quantity requested by small increments. Because boards are manufactured as panels, you may find that changing your quantity by a certain small number hardly increases the total price, but at one more than that sweet spot, it jumps quite a bit.
Tracy Allen
Why is it in the Propeller Forum?
That's good advice. With Advanced Circuits I've found that, up to a certain threshold, you're going to spend about $500 to $700 for a production board order, no matter what the quantity is.
That's a valid question, but it's certainly closer to Propeller matters than marathon running.