Is there a way to form a list of free cog space ?
I wonder if there is a way to get a definitive list of the free cog longs. Up until now the only way I have used is to crash into the end (496) and then try and get some back afterwards.
Style and grace : Nil point
Style and grace : Nil point
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The list window in bst tells you the space remaining after every FIT statement. (Thank heater for that one)
"Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?"
you will have to try and educate the stupid here, which bit is that?
Style and grace : Nil point
When you click on a DAT section the compilier tells you how many bytes you have left. Add the res longs to that and you have your count.
If you put a bogus LONG 0 as the last line in your program, then clicking on that line, the prop tool tells you (at the very bottom of the page) the COG location that line resides in, and hence you know you have $1FF minus that number remaining.
P.S. Actually I just tried the slightly improved following:
Label your "fit" statement with a name (I used End), and then do a compile (press F8). Then when your mouse is clicked on that End label, the total cog space consumed is indicated in hex, as well as the size of the current DAT block.
Peter (pjv)
Post Edited (pjv) : 5/14/2010 4:57:09 PM GMT
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Style and grace : Nil point
Go "View->Compiler Listing" then put the window in the background somewhere.
Next time you compile you'll get a neat little listing of your program in that window. Somewhere near the bottom of your cog objects you'll see something like this :
Of course you need to have the fit directive there for it to work.
If you use the Propeller Tool, you can always do as the lads said above. I used to do that myself before heater asked for something a bit neater.
(you can still use the Propeller Tool method in bst too of course).
"Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?"