ViewPort and PropScope share the ViewPort library, but there are enough differences that you can't take ViewPort and connect to the official PropScope firmware.
However, you can use ViewPort to edit/run/debug your own firmware to run on the PropScope. All the hardware is open source- so you should be able to find what you need- if not ask here. In future versions of 12Blocks and ViewPort I'll include sample code to take digital/analog measurements and output waveforms.
Co-author of the official Propeller Guide- available at Amazon
Developer of ViewPort, the premier visual debugger for the Propeller (read the review here, thread here), 12Blocks, the block-based programming environment (thread here)
and PropScope, the multi-function USB oscilloscope/function generator/logic analyzer
ViewPort and PropScope share the ViewPort library, but there are enough differences that you can't take ViewPort and connect to the official PropScope firmware.
However, you can use ViewPort to edit/run/debug your own firmware to run on the PropScope. All the hardware is open source- so you should be able to find what you need- if not ask here. In future versions of 12Blocks and ViewPort I'll include sample code to take digital/analog measurements and output waveforms.
Co-author of the official Propeller Guide- available at Amazon
Developer of ViewPort, the premier visual debugger for the Propeller (read the review here, thread here),
12Blocks, the block-based programming environment (thread here)
and PropScope, the multi-function USB oscilloscope/function generator/logic analyzer