NEW: Command Pad for Propeller Platform

Project Page
I put together the Command Pad Module because I wanted an easy way to connect an analog joystick to the Propeller Platform. The joystick doesn't have a depress button, so I put 4x 12mm switches with switch caps on the board. Also nifty; you can read the joystick position through R/C decay, or jumper J1 and J2 to use as a voltage divider.

You can learn more or pick one up on the More info on the project page. The schematic is also up there along with a rough object for using it with the Prop. Everything's available under the MIT license, you can download the diptrace layout off the project page, too.
Also, I have the joysticks available separately here.
Let me know if you have any questions / suggestions / comments!
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Gadget Gangster - Share your Electronic Projects
It would be very helpful in the future.
It's got KB, Mouse, VGA, TV, audio out and MIC input...
Haven't done anything with it due to lack of interest/motivation...
But, maybe I could give the design to Nick and see if he wants to persue it...
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No VGA module yet, but something is coming up - stay tuned!
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Gadget Gangster - Share your Electronic Projects
FYI it's very simple to add Parallax's VGA-PS/2 board to Gadget Gangster's ProtoPlus module, along with the microSD module. The ProtpPlus module has composite video and audio jacks on it. I've posted a picture of this setup.
At first, I thought that was the $30 one I've seen elsewhere...
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A short platform board (2.5"x2.8") with VGA, PS/2 KBD and MSE, and TV and mono sound. There is a shortage of edge real estate so the TV/sound is coming out via an "A/V" connector (3.5mm stereo jack) a la Propeller BackPack. I have another couple hours work putting in a bottom side ground plane and then checking to do and I will be ready for proto run and with production lead times I figure these boards will be available in a month.
cheers ... BBR
cheers ... brian riley, n1bq, underhill center, vermont
The Shoppe at Wulfden - Propeller Products - Serial LCD Display Gear
It would be really awsome if that were offered as a platform module.
I always have someone watching my back.