26-bit wiegand card reader and the propeller chip
Does anyone have any info. on interfacing a 26-bit wiegand cardreader to the propeller chip
Thank be to anyone that can help !!!
Thank be to anyone that can help !!!
The 26-bit Wiegand protocol is made up of a leading even parity bit (for b0 - b11) and 24 bits of data and a trailing odd parity bit (for b12- b23).
I think that you will find that the code is trivial, just give it a go and see what you get.
Doug Smith
You'll need PropBASIC for running my code so....
First of all go here www.fnarfbargle.com/bst/Latest/
and get the latest version of BST. The .exe version is for windows, Linux for linux and osx for macintosh.
Then go here www.fnarfbargle.com/PropBasic/
and make sure you get the latest version of PropBASIC for BST.
Then load up my code, connect up your D0 and D1 lines of your wiegand reader to P0 and P1 run the serial terminal in BST and present your cards.....
It's worth noting that I run my reader off 5V and use a 10K pullup on each line and a 100R resistor in line with P0 and P1.
Good luck.
PropGFX - The home of the Hybrid Development System and PropGFX Lite
I will breadboard this and see what happens
for your help
Doug Smith
I tired setting up the hid reader, loaded and run program notting happend
anymore advice, anything would help
I'm Trying to build a access control to just my doors but with as many features as possible.
Doug Smith
Have you got a photo or a schematic of your setup..
What reader are you using?
PropGFX - The home of the Hybrid Development System and PropGFX Lite
Will get back to you in a day so
Doug Smith