Buffer concept isn't working
Hi everyone!
I tried to play audio streams with my Propeller - VS1053 decoder chip - W5100 Ethernet configuration.
Due to the lack of a SPI SRAM chip (I hope to get the parcel this week), I had to find a workaround.
This first version is working, but I can't get a clean sound, as the internal 8K buffer of the W5100 is too small and reading only 32 bytes at a time will cause additional delays:
In a next attempt I wanted to create a second buffer (8191 bytes) using the RAM of my Propeller chip. Filling it up seems to work, but my decoder chip doesn't recognize the audio data.
Is it allowed to use bitwise shift on an array as I did above? Am I perhaps making a mistake (wrong order) joining the different parts of my buffer while adding the 320 bytes?
I tried to play audio streams with my Propeller - VS1053 decoder chip - W5100 Ethernet configuration.
Due to the lack of a SPI SRAM chip (I hope to get the parcel this week), I had to find a workaround.
This first version is working, but I can't get a clean sound, as the internal 8K buffer of the W5100 is too small and reading only 32 bytes at a time will cause additional delays:
repeat while net.SocketTCPestablished(0) net.rxTCP(0, @musicbuffer, 32) repeat until ina[noparse][[/noparse]6]==1 decoder.WriteDataBuffer(@musicbuffer)
In a next attempt I wanted to create a second buffer (8191 bytes) using the RAM of my Propeller chip. Filling it up seems to work, but my decoder chip doesn't recognize the audio data.
start:= true repeat while net.SocketTCPestablished(0) if start == true 'start condition: fill the whole buffer net.rxTCP(0, @receivebuffer, 8191) start:=false k:=0 elseif k == 10 'add 320 bytes to the end of the buffer if k==10 net.rxTCP(0, @byte[noparse][[/noparse]receivebuffer][noparse][[/noparse]7870], 320) k:=0 bytemove(@musicbuffer, @byte[noparse][[/noparse]receivebuffer][noparse][[/noparse]0], 32) 'move the lowest 32 bytes of "receivebuffer" to "musicbuffer" repeat until ina[noparse][[/noparse]6]==1 decoder.WriteDataBuffer(@musicbuffer) receivebuffer >>= 256 'shift the "receivebuffer" by 32 bytes k+=1
Is it allowed to use bitwise shift on an array as I did above? Am I perhaps making a mistake (wrong order) joining the different parts of my buffer while adding the 320 bytes?
Other than that, you shouldn't have any problems playing streams with only a 8KB buffer. My first prototype didn't even use the SPI SRAM chips. You may also find that you'll need to tweak some TCP parameters to make it more responsive to packet loss.
Thanks for your reply. I am going to take a look on the examples.
That's the disadvantage of the hardwired TCP stack. Tweaking TCP parameters is hardly possible.
I could change the timeout settings, but as far as I have seen, these are only used to determine whether a connection is still working or not.
There is also this "accept delayed ACK" setting, but I'm not sure if I should change this.
What you want to accomplish by the receivebuffer >>= 256 isn't possible that way. You could longmove(receivebuffer, receivebuffer+32, (size-32)/4), but this is wasting a lot of CPU cycles. Instead you should add a pointer (or index) and copy from there:
bytemove(@musicbuffer, @receivebuffer + tailptr, 32)
tailptr += 32
You could also receive to @receivebuffer + headptr instead of of using k. headptr would always increase by the size you received. Instead of 320 you could use some value that doesn't lead to a split buffer, i.e. one that divides 8192 evenly, like 256.
Whenever headptr + 256 <> tailptr receive the next 256 bytes.
As long as the headptr step is bigger than the tailptr step, your buffer should always be filled to the limit.
Pullmoll's Propeller Projects
Post Edited (pullmoll) : 5/12/2010 5:32:06 AM GMT
The player has a pointer, so that it remembers which data to send next. If it moves from one section to the next it signals the loader that the previous section is ready for being overwritten with the next bunch of bytes. How that works has already been mentioned by pullmoll.
Just another comment to your code:
repeat until ina[noparse][[/noparse]6]==1
looks like you wait for a signal from the decoder. I'd do that with a waitpeq instruction, as it's much faster than the repeat until and has a deterministic timing. The repeat until timing will vary. If the pin is set to high just in front of the ina[noparse][[/noparse]6] instruction it will be much faster than it will be if the pin is set to high just after reading the pin status. Because then the SPIN code has to do the compare, jump back to the beginning of the loop and read the input again.
Thanks for your replies.
I will try to change my buffer by adding pointers.
There is no overhead in this buffer. It's pure audio data.
I did this because everytime I get the "data request" signal on pin 6, I can only be sure that the next 32 bytes are fitting into the decoder chips internal buffer.
If I send more than 32 bytes, the signal on pin 6 could change to low meanwhile and the data is either ignored or parts which haven't been decoded yet are going to be overwritten.
Is there perhaps another solution (which isn't slower than my current one) to limit the amount of bytes read/sent from receivebuffer by 32?
1 COG for reading the data from network
1 COG for sending the data in 32 byte packets to the decoder
both use the same buffer and are synchronized. The buffer size is twice as big as the paket-size you want to read from network.
If you don't have network problems, the COG sending data to the decoder should never run out of data.
Sometimes I can hear some music in there, then I get fragments (high beep tones), then a part of the music keeps repeating itself over and over again, afterwards again some music, and so on...
You should use headptr + 256 <> tailptr, because this is the "there is space in the buffer" condition
I wouldn't use a start condition to fill the entire buffer, just let the default fill do it. The buffer will never be 100% full because of the test with +256.
Instead of if xxxptr => 8192 ... you can just do xxxptr &= 8191 or, even easier to read, xxxptr := (xxxptr + <size>) & 8191. All in one expression.
Edit: Here's how I would do it:
Writing the musicbuffer if there is no data in the receivebuff may be a bad idea. You could also bytefill(@musicbuffer, 0, 32) in an else branch, i.e. if tailptr == headptr. Then, if your receiver dies, you will hear silence.
Pullmoll's Propeller Projects
Post Edited (pullmoll) : 5/12/2010 3:24:02 PM GMT
Sending 32 bytes of zeros to the decoder chip doesn't necessarily have to be equal to silence
Since I've got a repeat loop surrounding this code, would this also work?
It should work, sure. I didn't know what kind of data you're streaming. Is it mpeg2 layer3, aka mp3? Then sending $ff should lead to silence IIRC.
Pullmoll's Propeller Projects
The sound output is still not working correctly. What worries me most is the repetition of song parts (like data is being sent more than once).
That cannot happen with this code, can it? Perhaps this is a fault of my W5100 driver...trying to read data even if it has already been read.
Maybe the address auto increment function I implemented has a bug (although it's working for transmission)... I'll switch it off and try again
Hmm... no, this is working fine and the problem still exists if I switch it off.
Post Edited (Patrick1ab) : 5/12/2010 5:35:57 PM GMT
I thought again about what I wrote and of course there is a major bug in there. The code would work for a step of 1, i.e. adding and retrieving bytes, but the buffer is overrun with the tests as they are, because the filling step doesn't always match the boundary of the (different sized) emptying step.
This means you'd have to switch to a slightly different method: filling level.
Now this should really work, while I have no way to verify the code.
Pullmoll's Propeller Projects
In the attachments there are some examples of the audio output.
I can try that too, but I'm 90 % sure that this won't solve the problem, as a buffer underrun "sounds" different.
Please compare the sound example of a buffer underrun (which I created by adding a 500us delay to my existing spin code) below with the ones I posted earlier.
I should also mention that the file I used to create the buffer underrun has a peak bitrate of 340 kb/s at the beginning. When the voice is becoming a bit clearer it still has around 200 kb/s.
It depends on the stream, but Internet streams usually have only 128 kb/s.
Post Edited (Patrick1ab) : 5/12/2010 8:50:08 PM GMT
That sounds as if the same buffer was played several times. I'm not sure what happens if your decoder.WriteDataBuffer isn't served fast enough. You could try to get rid of the musicbuffer and call decoder.WriteDataBuffer(@receivebuffer+tailptr) as soon as the waitpeq returns. Perhaps you could try to let 2 cogs do the filling and playing of the buffer, so that reading from TCP doesn't block the playing of the next 32 byte chunk for too long.
Otherwise I'm out of ideas. The last resort would be trying to achieve the same thing in PASM, which should be fast enough. I only don't know if your decoder is easy to interface from assembler.
Pullmoll's Propeller Projects
Perhaps I've got another one, although I think it's very unlikely:
Could it be that the internal buffer of the ethernet chip isn't read fast enough?
Maybe the chip sends a "retransmit" to the streaming server several times and this causes duplicate or fragmented data in the buffer?
I don't know the network module and it's drivers, but maybe there are some parameters you could optimize as well. For example there is a ?MTU? (?maximum transfer unit? - if I remember right) which tells the network interface what the size of the payload of a TCP/IP package can be at max. Maybe it's wise to request that number of bytes whenever you do an rxTCP.
However, as you have to call the rxTCP function again after each 8K (and do some address calculations), I would say you are able to reach 440 kBytes/s.
I haven't tested this yet. I only did some tests for the data transmission, which has 2-3 PASM instructions less:
I was able to download data from my Propeller Webserver at 510 kBytes/s. This is enough bandwidth to stream DivX video contents.
After months of searching the bug in my streaming program (music with hiccups and repetition all the time), I finally found it:
It is indeed a buffer underrun, but not in the propeller chip.
It occurs in the W5100 chip itself, as the propeller code is much quicker than the data rate / bit rate of the stream.
(for example: a stream with 96 kBit/s would only need 48 loop cycles per second while reading 256 Bytes at a time)
This is what happens:
- The line
tries to load 256 bytes from the rx buffer of the W5100, but there is no guaranty that there are 256 bytes to be read.
- Assuming that we are always reading 256 bytes, the pointer is incremented (even if the number of bytes read is less)
So parts of the "old data" are accidentally declared as "new data".
In the worst case (due to a temporary loss of internet bandwidth), there are several parts in a row which are not being updated, but declared as "new data".
That's when the music keeps repeating over and over again.
To solve this I have to check the actual number of bytes received
and then increment the pointers / variables according to this length.
Unfortunately this first attempt does not work:
It stops after a second of playback.
·If headptr is just more the 256 from 8192 - i.e. end of the buffer and you get < 256 bytes in then headptr is less than 256 from the end of hte buffer. If next time you get 256 bytes from rxTCP you wil run past the end of the buffer overwriting whatevers there.
e.g. if headptr is 7930, then rxTCP gives you 50 bytes so headptr is 7980, then rxtcp gives you·256 bytes, rxTCP will write to 8236
The following code limits the rxtcp length to the remaining in the buffer or 256 if its longer than that
Okay, now I understand what you mean.