Dynamixel AX12
Im starting with robotica and I really loved to start with a propeller board. The thing is, I also want to use dynamixel ax12 servos. I saw 1 picture of an dynamixel connected to a protoboard. Are there factory propeller boards with an integrated connector for dynamixels?
Im starting with robotica and I really loved to start with a propeller board. The thing is, I also want to use dynamixel ax12 servos. I saw 1 picture of an dynamixel connected to a protoboard. Are there factory propeller boards with an integrated connector for dynamixels?
I believe they deal with a higher voltage on the communications buss, but that's very easy to accomodate.
Do you have a link to the picture?
···································Fix it, if ain't broke!
D Rat
Dave Ratcliff N6YEE
After this advice, maybe someone·has an other suggestion, that is better in their opinion.... Ultimately I want to create a humanoid with 16-20 servos and some sensors...
Post Edited (PatrickS1981) : 5/12/2010 8:04:10 AM GMT
Think im going to stick with it. So create this, add some dynamixels. Give them sepperate power and test it...
The breadboard that is on a demo board, is that actual connected to something? Or could I buy for instance the Propeller Robot Control Board or the schmartboard (if im adventures) and connect a breadboard to it?
And is zigbee fast enough to work with dynamixels? Because they operate at 1mbit and the zigbee much slower.
Post Edited (PatrickS1981) : 5/12/2010 8:45:05 PM GMT
Yes, the following AX-12 driver will take serial input from 9600 to 115200 and send it along to the AX-12 bus at 1Mpbs. You'll also find a Dynamixel library written in C#.
It might take minor tweaking to get the Zigbee device to work FullDuplex.spin but I don't think that will be a problem at all. The throughput is pretty good at 115200 since the AX-12 driver buffers the Instruction/Status packets.
A word of caution about the document posted. A better design is to use a 1k pull-up and a large 10-100K resistor between signal and ground. When you get into the teens of AX-12s on the bus, this circuit will be more sensitive to the AX-12 Rx signal and it works fine with a few AX-12s too.
Post Edited (Mike G) : 5/12/2010 9:54:59 PM GMT
Im still doubting because the dynamixels are really expensive [noparse];)[/noparse] But I really like them.
But to find a second alternative, if I would buy the Propeller Robot Control Board can I then use 2 normal motors and maximal 24 servos (this could be less if I would use a zigbee module and some sensors) or did I missunderstand. If I would connect 20 servos to it, will it have enough power? Or do I need to do something for extra power? Secondly, can someone point me out a good document how I would connect a zigbee module to the propeller boards..
I hope you guys dont mind that I ask so much things, but I really need to learn a lot..
You could start by looking in the object exchange.
I can use the xbee usb adapter board and connect it also with USB to the robot controller board. I thought the usb connection was only for the pc side, but appearantly it also works on the controller side... (or am i incorrect)·Think im done then, I know my board, know how to connect it remotely, can work with dynamixels or normal sensors and add extra sensors.... Whoop, set complete... Just give it an other thought and I can order it.
Thanks for your help!
Post Edited (PatrickS1981) : 5/13/2010 11:39:26 AM GMT
This low cost XBee USB Adapter Board comes in partially assembled kit form and provides a cost-effective solution to interfacing a PC or microcontroller to any XBee or XBee Pro module
You might want to read the manual. It explains in detail how to use the XBee USB Adapter Board.