Blank Proto Boards (new product and UPE event giveaways)

Hey all,
Our customer Robert DeBoer requested that we make some low-cost, blank proto boards that have the same size as the Prop Proto Board. Quite some time ago our PCB layout engineer Thomas put a design together. Snooping around our "engineering stock cabinets" I came across 500 units! These boards have a "xxxxxx" in the place of our part number so they are not suitable for sale. But in form and function they're every bit as useful as a board with a correct part number.
I'll bring 100-200 units to the Propeller Expo in Ottawa this weekend. And I'll save some for the Rocklin and Norwalk UPEs as well.
In the meantime Thomas has made the silkscreen revision and ordered another run. They'll retail at $3 each, maybe $2 if Lauren has it her way.
Ken Gracey

Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
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Our customer Robert DeBoer requested that we make some low-cost, blank proto boards that have the same size as the Prop Proto Board. Quite some time ago our PCB layout engineer Thomas put a design together. Snooping around our "engineering stock cabinets" I came across 500 units! These boards have a "xxxxxx" in the place of our part number so they are not suitable for sale. But in form and function they're every bit as useful as a board with a correct part number.
I'll bring 100-200 units to the Propeller Expo in Ottawa this weekend. And I'll save some for the Rocklin and Norwalk UPEs as well.
In the meantime Thomas has made the silkscreen revision and ordered another run. They'll retail at $3 each, maybe $2 if Lauren has it her way.
Ken Gracey
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
Follow me at for some insider news.
If so, it could be an easy way to add stuff to my BOE bot (now with Spin Stamp).
Just need the right height standoffs...
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@Rayman, same size as all of our standard 3x4 boards.
- Ken
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
Follow me at for some insider news.
Guys or I will just keep checking here ,, Again Ken that is very decent of you I am so jealous I can not attend these I am sure there are a lot of people that would love to come Maybe someday you can do one on the East Coast.
Oh Ray that is exactly what I thought when I saw these an awesome project board for my Boe-Bots
so do you call it the Protoboard Protoboard?
Andrew Williams
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They are the perfect size for all my crazy Parallax parts projects
Post Edited (mikediv) : 5/11/2010 10:20:03 PM GMT
I will also be purchasing a dozen or so when they go on sale at the site.·A couple·may become an umbrella board for my Toddlers! (They had a smaller, non-consistant, board outline)·
Thanks for helping out. Without your assistance we couldn't handle this one easily.
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
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If you do not like through hole, you can purchase perfboard.
Unsoldering does take a while to get used to. Good equipment is a must.
This thread is about an offering that Ken has so graciously·given us. Can we keep it at that?
Jim Post Edited (hover1) : 5/12/2010 2:40:48 AM GMT
Microcontrolled, I know for me, it got a lot easier and better when I started buying better tools. Perhaps you might consider saving up for a good desoldering station?
Check out the Propeller Wiki·and contribute if you can.
On the other hand, for connections between the holes (between any pair of holes) I like to see them on only one side. It makes it much easier to cut traces between pads if you only have to do it on one side.
The boards look nice. I'm looking forward to seeing them at UPEC and at the price I'll definitely be ordering some.
"Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?"
Allows you to save the expense of connectors and still have a robust connection...
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They probably are, but the happy co-incidence of having them plated through means a bit of extra mechanical support for large format connectors soldered into them.
"Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?"
Might you consider also selling the original protoboards as blank units ?
a lot of times, I'm getting 'too populated to use for X in my lab, and
could appreciate the raw boards for their hackability.
I can't see how this would negatively affect the business model, just
offer more choices for builds of the product.
A lot of times, the units are going into a 3v3 location already, so
chopping down a populated protoboard is a bit of overkill.
I know there are other micro versions, but none that I am
aware of follow the OEM layouts exactly.
The cons is that a large breadboard is the cheapest way to go because a lot of us are just experimenting.
When you go the protoboard route, these Arduino sites are charging like 9.50 for headers and protoboards so their product is no longer low cost and they aren't really needed unless you have a permanent project.
"Regarding the free Proto boards"