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2 x16 Parallel LCD (#603-00006) Not Dispalying anything! — Parallax Forums

2 x16 Parallel LCD (#603-00006) Not Dispalying anything!

underworldmanunderworldman Posts: 22
edited 2010-05-12 00:43 in Accessories

I've just purchased the 2 x16 Parallel LCD (#603-00006) and when I interfaced the lcd in 4-bit mode with my microcontroller, i could only be able to adjust contrast of the first row of the LCD. Both the first row and second aren't dislaying any characters in 4-bit mode. In 8 bit mode, characters are displayed, but not in English. Could you please explain what could be wrong. I'm using this LCD with a PIC16f887 MCU and using mikroC Pro compiler. As far as the connections are concerned, I've used the exact same connection described in the LCD's datasheet/manual. Unfortunately, not even the Ribbon cable's footprint was provided in the datasheet.

When contrast is only adjustable for one row, what could be the problem? and why isn't it displaying anything in 4 bit mode even when connection to microcontroller is exactly as described in datasheet?

Please help. Didn't know where to discuss this as there is no sub-forums for LCDs?



  • Shawn LoweShawn Lowe Posts: 635
    edited 2010-05-10 20:41
    Have you studied the programs in the Parallax doc's? True, you are using a pic, but I would think it should be easy to port over. The footprint of the cable is provided on page 2.

    Shawn Lowe

    When all else fails.....procrastinate!
  • Shawn LoweShawn Lowe Posts: 635
    edited 2010-05-10 20:53
    Try this Youtube video:

    Shawn Lowe

    When all else fails.....procrastinate!
  • underworldmanunderworldman Posts: 22
    edited 2010-05-11 09:47

    Thanks for replying. I did use the footprint indicated on page 2. And to answer your question, i believe that the lcd is hd44780 compliant, and mikroC pro has a LCD library that initializes all hd44780 lcds successfully. What i want to try is to use another compiler, like the proton+ as shown in the youtube video. But i've never used BASIC in my life before, as i just program using C.

    Regarding the LCD's behavior, do you suspect such a scenario could arise when the lcd is not properly initialized ? or due to connection problems (which i highly doubt)?

    I also have no idea what the jumpers on the back-side of the lcd mean. I've done the 4-bit connection direct from the connector and i'm assuming thats how it should be done.

    Post Edited (underworldman) : 5/11/2010 9:53:16 AM GMT
  • Shawn LoweShawn Lowe Posts: 635
    edited 2010-05-11 13:18
    I would make sure I followed the initialization protocalls i.e. blip the E line, wait 5 ms, ect. Then start looking into sending data.

    Shawn Lowe

    When all else fails.....procrastinate!
  • underworldmanunderworldman Posts: 22
    edited 2010-05-11 13:47
    Thanks Shawn for your constant replies...very few guys like you in here nono.gif

    It worked in 8 bit mode. Between traces of the PCB, there was some minute quantities of solder which i successfully pumped out. And a guy by the name of Mince on the mikroC forum helped me get the library for interfacing in 8 bit mode.


  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2010-05-11 22:16

    As a note our Parallel LCD is only guaranteed to operate in the overworld. =) That said, the reason you only saw one line when adjusting the contrast is that, until the LCD is initialized it defaults to single line mode so that is all that is refreshed on the display. Glad to see you got it working though. Take care.

    Chris Savage

    Parallax Engineering
  • underworldmanunderworldman Posts: 22
    edited 2010-05-12 00:43
    Thanks Chris, for the useful detail. I wasn't actually aware of it.
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