Using FullDuplexSerial from another cog
I was wondering if I can use the full duplex commands from another cog to report my global variables back to ther Terminal program on my laptop for some debuggin.
The issue is that I dont want to slow down any of the processing going on in my main routine ?
I assume this will then use 2 cogs..
The issue is that I dont want to slow down any of the processing going on in my main routine ?
I assume this will then use 2 cogs..
If you just use FullDuplexSerial by itself, you don't need to use yet another cog since FullDuplexSerial normally launches the actual I/O routines in their own cog and the routines you normally call just put stuff into the buffer. By default, the buffer is only 16 bytes long which may not be long enough for you. There are other versions of FullDuplexSerial in the Object Exchange that have larger buffers, up to 512 bytes long.
I guess I did not have a closer look to full duplex or have forgotten those details, but if I remember right things like number conversion are not done in the PASM driver, but in the SPIN part. So, if jbalat want's to send a lot of numbers converted to a string, using a different COG might be a good idea.
1 Parallax Propeller Robot Control Board
1 Memsic MX2125 accelerometer/ tilt
1 Parallax Ping))) ultrasonic sensor
a few motors and a whole lot of chaos!
In the new cog I was just going to do a repeat loop with a 1 second wait
within the loop I can copy the Global variables to local variables (only 4 off I want to track)
Then print them onto the Terminal via the fullduplex command
At the end I wanted to cut and paste the data from the Terminal program into a text file and load it into excel for analysis
Please see my program attached. I have added the new section called 'Show_PC'
Post Edited (jbalat) : 5/10/2010 8:50:26 AM GMT
sooner or later it WILL happen that the writing to the sendbuffer get's mixed up.
Even if you think it will never happen. It WILL happen. Believe a programmer with 25 five years of programming-experience.
As long as only this other cog sends everything is ok but if two cogs send the messed up sendbuffer WILL happen FOR SURE.
If you are just debugging and one of a hundred debuglines is messed up doesn't matter. In all other cases I recommend using a lock-mechanism.
best regards
I found the error with the spelling and I also noticed my Leanfactor uses the already modified pulse instead of the original input.. Will fix this tonight
BTW Data logging went great.
From the data I figured out that going up a hill at low speed will still lean 100% (OH NO) , so now I need to monitor TPS as well and back off leaning at higher throttle
--- Updated Program attached ---
Post Edited (jbalat) : 5/11/2010 12:18:40 PM GMT