I have the Parallax Propeller model and I am using a 7.5 volt power supply. I recently built a small circuit that was connected to an IR LED. It was working fine last night, but now when I load up the board it doesn't boot up, it only shows the green power light. My computer is unable to recognize the board anymore, but it was fine a couple of hours ago. I tried hitting the reset button but it doesn't do anything. I'm new to using uControllers, and I'm hoping that I didn't fry the board. Any suggestions?
What board do you have? How do you have it hooked up?
If you're using a battery for your power source, you may need a new one. The LED may light even through the voltage is too low to power the Propeller. There may be something wrong with your serial/USB connection although, if it worked once, it should continue to work.
The Propeller has to be operating for it to be recognized by the Propeller Tool or BST or any of the other development tools. It doesn't need a crystal for this to work or an EEPROM, but it needs adequate power. The serial port needs to work including the DTR control line.
Post Edited (DanPf) : 5/8/2010 4:51:38 PM GMT
Try reinstalling the USB driver and the Propeller Tool (without the Board connected). If you have another USB cable, try that. If none of that works, I suggest calling Parallax Tech Support on Monday. This may be too difficult to handle via a forum. If they can't help you to get it working, they can replace the Board.