Does Sigma-Delta ADC always require its own cog?
I have found several Sigma-Delta objects. But it seems each one requires its own cog. I just need a real simple way to read an analog voltage from an accelerometer. I just need to grab a reading about once a second or so, do not need continuous reading. Range is about 1v to 3v. I am out of cogs. Any ideas?
Thank you.
Thank you.
If anyone has the object SigmaDeltaADC(SPIN) I would appreciate a copy.
The files are available from the ftp site at the lower right side of this page:
I also attached the file.
As the integration time influences the result, the tick count has to be normalized to the elapsed time. At full scale, the ticks are equal to clock cycles and therefor, to have a result >1 , the ticks have to be shifted. Also take into account, that 0V doesn't give zero counts.
It is also shown, how to measure more inputs with a single counter. Just connect the compensation output to different compensation networks and dynamically switch the compensation input of the counter. It works quite well, determine the offset by grounding the input. The result is not depending on the actual cycle time, therefor the routine can be called more or less periodically, if only you take care of the overflow. As full input gives an overflow after 50 seconds, measuring less than 100 hz will create an overflow if the shift value is 12 bits.-
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