Quick and dirty four-quadrant integer-only arctangent in Spin

For the S2 object I'm writing for the new Scribbler II robot, I needed a quick arctangent function using integer arithmetic, so I could convert (Δx, Δy) target locations to turn angles. I came across a really neat approximation in Abramowitz and Stegun's Handbook of Mathematical Functions, viz:
····arctan(x) = x / (1 + 0.28x2) + ε(x), where |ε(x)| ≤ .005 over -1 ≤ x ≤ 1
I used this approximation to craft the following four-quadrant atan2 function:
Next, I generated 360 data points to test it with, using the following Perl program:
By plugging the generated data into the attached Spin program, I was able to generate arctangents with 1/10-degree precision (not the same as accuracy, as we shall see). The results were compared to the correct values, and the differences were plotted against the actual angle:

As you can see the result is accurate to within ± 0.3 degrees, which seems to be good enough for the S2.
Addendum: I just noticed that I could have done a much better job of managing truncation error, which could be a factor for small values of FULL_CIRCLE. Tomorrow's job...
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 5/7/2010 6:58:17 AM GMT
····arctan(x) = x / (1 + 0.28x2) + ε(x), where |ε(x)| ≤ .005 over -1 ≤ x ≤ 1
I used this approximation to craft the following four-quadrant atan2 function:
[b]PUB[/b] atan2(y, x) | arg, adder, n '' Four-quadrant arctangent. Y and X are signed integers. '' FULL_CIRCLE is an integer constant equal to the number of units in a full circle. [b]if[/b] ((n := >|(||x <# ||y)) > 21) x ~>= n - 21 y ~>= n - 21 [b]if[/b] (||x > ||y) arg := y << 10 / x adder := constant(FULL_CIRCLE / 2) & (x < 0) [b]else[/b] arg := -x << 10 / y adder := constant(FULL_CIRCLE / 4) + constant(FULL_CIRCLE / 2) & (y < 0) [b]result[/b] := arg * constant(FULL_CIRCLE * 14551 / 100000) / (936 + (arg * arg) >> 12) + adder [b]result[/b] += FULL_CIRCLE & ([b]result[/b] < 0)
Next, I generated 360 data points to test it with, using the following Perl program:
use strict; foreach (0 .. 359) { my $angle = $_ * 3.14159265 / 180; my $x = int(cos($angle) * 100000); my $y = int(sin($angle) * 100000); print " long $x,$y\n" }
By plugging the generated data into the attached Spin program, I was able to generate arctangents with 1/10-degree precision (not the same as accuracy, as we shall see). The results were compared to the correct values, and the differences were plotted against the actual angle:
As you can see the result is accurate to within ± 0.3 degrees, which seems to be good enough for the S2.
Addendum: I just noticed that I could have done a much better job of managing truncation error, which could be a factor for small values of FULL_CIRCLE. Tomorrow's job...
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 5/7/2010 6:58:17 AM GMT
"if ((n := >|(||x <# ||y)) > 21)" is a statement to be proud of[noparse]:)[/noparse]
For me, the past is not over yet.
It's a statement only a hardened perl monk would dare dream up...
"Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?"
How about a PASM version?
Might be easier to read[noparse]:)[/noparse]
For me, the past is not over yet.
And likely an imperial crapload smaller (imperial values empirically appear to be bigger than metric as a whole).
"Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?"
The (||arg => 960)* is a hand optimization based on an observation of the error data. With this addition and the slight amount of rounding that I've added, the errors in the 960-point set of test data have been eliminated entirely. This does not mean, of course, that arguments between those in the test set won't produce results that are a little off; but I'm confident that the method will work in my app.
As a side note, it would be nice if Spin had a sign transfer operator, such that a +- b would return a if b => 0 and -a if b < 0. The negc instruction in PASM makes this easy. There are ways to inline such an operation in Spin now, but they are either excessively wordy and/or involve a multiply.
* The 960 here is merely a coincidence, having nothing to do with the value of FULL_CIRCLE.
It's just an expression of the error as a function of x: IOW, the difference between the real arctangent and the value approximated by the equation. Its only representation in my code is where I attempt to minimize it with the correction factor (||arg => 960).