Cell phone and BS2
I am working on a project were we would like to use a cell phone connected to a BS2 in a remote location and transmit data to another cell phone that would possibly be connected to a computer so we could recover the data.
·Does anyone have any good starting points on how to accomplish this?
·Does anyone have any good starting points on how to accomplish this?
You could also "hack" a cheap cell phone by wiring reed relays across the various pushbuttons of the cell phone and activating them from the Stamp using some kind of I/O expander like the TPIC6595. You could use the DTMF (Touch-Tone) tones to carry the information and some kind of DTMF decoder on the other end driven by a microphone next to the cell phone's speaker. You could set the cell phone's ring tone to something easily decoded like a sequence of DTMF tones and the Stamp could answer the phone.