Ribbon Cables
I am looking for a 6 conductor ribbon cable that is three inches long. They probably do not come in that length. I can find six conductor bulk wire but what type of connector is used that crimps down on the ends? What connectors for the PCB mount?
you can get them from 4 way upwards.
I feel these are the best way for wire to board solutions for low power.
6 way vertical micromatch header latching..
Dave M
Cheapest is to cut old floppy and hard disk cables from old pcs.
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My cruising website is: ·www.bluemagic.biz·· MultiBlade Props: www.cluso.bluemagic.biz
Andrew Williams
WBA Consulting
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Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunge, Mar 20, 2010
Edit: Don't know why it won't give the actual link?
Ah I think I got it now.
Post Edited (Propability) : 5/6/2010 7:37:19 PM GMT
I would request the latest Digikey catalog:
They have a great selection of ready made ribbon cables and will make custom ones too. If if you don't use them this time their catalog will show a lot of different options and ideas for connectors and cables. They have a great selection of other parts too.