TV screen using VGA slowly whites out using the propeller proto board.
I remember someone else posting about this problem but I could not find the forum thread name.
Its weird. When using the propeller protoboard on my Auvio 15.4" TV the TV has trouble finding the VGA signal and won't auto sync unless I tell it too. Then after its synced the screen slow whites out...
I'm not sure what to do. So far the Chip's VGA drivers seem to work fine on every regular computer monitor so I'm wondering what's going on.
Thanks, for your help,
Its weird. When using the propeller protoboard on my Auvio 15.4" TV the TV has trouble finding the VGA signal and won't auto sync unless I tell it too. Then after its synced the screen slow whites out...
I'm not sure what to do. So far the Chip's VGA drivers seem to work fine on every regular computer monitor so I'm wondering what's going on.
Thanks, for your help,
You might want to double check your solder joints at the Norcomp connector...
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But, I have had a similar problem and it was a bad solder joint at the Norcomp that was the problem...
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Probably cheap hardware/bad software on the screen side.
It was the video blanking interval (Vertical) width that was corrected on Phil's post.
Tweak the VS sync widths slightly (probably shorter).
Problem with the solution is that some monitors are more sensitive than others
by their spec. and may show this error.
Creeping brightness and flaky video.
I think what is trying to be accomplished is the <location> as well as the pulse width.
that means the length of time from the last HS to the begin of the VS as well as the VS width.
The VS interval is creeping slightly into the active video interval.
That is what is affecting the video, the tail end of the blanking interval.
Since these pulses are all additive for proper full frame timing,
the video blanking tail end can be affected by the interdependent quantities of each.
(It is a timing budget)
I can tell you why, and what to adjust.
But as to how that relates to the propeller video coding,
and a full understanding of how Chip coded it ...still... escapes me after 10 reads.
The original Motorola documentation on the 6845 CRTC fully explained
the relationships and timing budget calculations.
That was the best information that I had ever seen on the subject.
I could make the number of vertical sync lines 1.
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