Bypass Cap question
How many is too many Bypass Cap's? Does every IC need one? Should I use them on long wires? What is considered a long wire?
I have attached my Schematic as Project1.pdf.
I have attached my Schematic as Project1.pdf.

The Propeller, since it has several Vdd / Vss pins, should have a 0.1uF bypass capacitor for each pair of supply pins close to the IC.
As Mike said, all ICs require a 100nF bypass and should now be X7R ceramic. In days gone by we used cheaper Z5U ceramic, but higher speeds and switching noise (because a lot of ICs now turn off internal circuits when not being used to conserve power). Gone are the days when we just had simple 74xxxx gate chips.
You should examine the manufacturers specifications for all chips you use to see what they recommend.
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Leon Heller
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
I did read the datasheets (as much as I can understand) and each of the regulators stated Cout must be atleast x.
Recently there have been a lot of new high capacitance ceramics that costs much less than tantalums.
Like this 10uf 1206 part that cost only USD 1 cent each in 100 quantities.
But they don't specify the ESR values.
I we be write on forum some directions on Decoupling's CAP's - One recommendation are On at last one 10-47uF CAP near Propeller IC.
It has as function to Preserve some extra current for Propeller in states Propeller exit Low Power states AND that states in Propeller depends on many things.
Some on starting NEW COG some on exiting Waitxxx instructions in COG's
BUT one direction on building PCB's is to have maybe one CPA to much - BUT never one to little.
Ps. For 10-47uF CAP - Smallest Power traces More near Propeller must them be. Wider Power Traces - CAP can be little more far from Propeller
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Post Edited (Sapieha) : 5/6/2010 4:12:35 AM GMT
Links to other interesting threads:
· Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBlade,·RamBlade,·SixBlade, website
· Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
· Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
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My cruising website is: ··· MultiBlade Props:
They do not have a long lead and a short lead like
they usually do..with the longer lead designating + polarity.
The only marking is
Is the lead closest to the + mark always the positive
polarity lead???
Here is a picture of one of them.
Post Edited (HollyMinkowski) : 5/6/2010 4:01:39 PM GMT
The data sheet for the LM2940 shows a 0.47 uF on the input (if it is some distance from the supply smoothing capacitor) and a 22 uF (minimum) on the output. The ESR for the latter is stated as critical (see page 13)! They should both be close to the regulator leads. There are probably similar requirements for the other regulator.
Leon Heller
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Post Edited (Leon) : 5/6/2010 4:23:25 PM GMT
MOORE'S LAW: The capabilities of electronics shall double every 18 months.
cloyd's corollary: Hardware is easy, software is hard.
To be safe put one onto a PSU and leave it to run, tants can "catch fire" when reversed.
Style and grace : Nil point