Express SMT .8 mm pitch -44 pin (top surface) layout pad and 44 lead PQFP(PG)
I have a set of Supertex HV5522 chips that have gull wing leads with a slightly larger footprint than the pad I used from ExpressPCB for the prototype boards. When I designed my version of SM Propeller Platform boards I had no problem putting the Parallax SM propeller gull wing chip down on the same library pad. I've checked the dimensions of the Supertex chip against the data sheet and it is in tolerance. The pitch and lead width is correct. Should I reform the leads on these chips for easier soldering? If I was to do a second run on this board I'd have to un-group the library component and lengthen the pads. If I switch to DipTrace or Eagle will I side step these types of slow-downs down the road?
MOORE'S LAW: The capabilities of electronics shall double every 18 months.
cloyd's corollary: Hardware is easy, software is hard.
MOORE'S LAW: The capabilities of electronics shall double every 18 months.
cloyd's corollary: Hardware is easy, software is hard.
MOORE'S LAW: The capabilities of electronics shall double every 18 months.
cloyd's corollary: Hardware is easy, software is hard.