Advantage of objects?
Is there an advantage or disadvantage·to linking an object as opposed to including the code in your main spin file? And if your code uses an object twice (in the main file and called from an object) is it loaded twice or shared between the two instances?
- Stephen
- Stephen
Think of it like building circuits out of ready made chips rather than creating your own with transistors every time.
As for you own code. It's good practice to split the functionality of your applications into independent parts. Divide an conquer. Small parts can me written and tested more easily than a huge sprawling application. Besides you may want to reuse parts of your code in future projects. If you write code like that in the first place it's easier to do.
Finally we out here might benefit[noparse]:)[/noparse] You create generally a useful object and perhaps release it into the wild. Everyone gains.
For me, the past is not over yet.