confused about xbee flow control
Posts: 50
·I am communicating between two xbees each on a Basic Stamp 2 using the adafruit xbee adapters (, and I have been trying forever to get the timing right so they can effectively send data and receive data back and forth, but nothing has worked consistently. All the documentation I'm reading (basic stamp stuff) says that RTS is the flow control pin, and I'm confused about how the adapter has more pins that involve flow control, DTR-flow control into Xbee and CTS-flow control from Xbee. I just connected the RTS adapter pin and used that in the serout command·in the format SEROUT TX\RTS, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]sData] for both microcontrollers and they still are not communicating well.
[noparse][[/noparse]change pin assignments according to your setups]
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Simple_tx.bs2
' Example to transmit decimal
' Word values
' ***********************
Baud CON 84
myAddr CON $0 ' Node address
DestAddr CON $1 ' Destination address
RX PIN 0 ' Receive Pin
TX PIN 1 ' Transmit Pin
RTS PIN 2 'Connect to RTS flow control pin
X VAR Word
HIGH TX ' Idle transmit pin
[noparse][[/noparse] Xbee Inlitalization ]
DEBUG CLS, "Configuring XBee for flow control", CR
PAUSE 2000 ' 2 second guard time
SEROUT TX, Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"+++"] ' Enter command mode
PAUSE 2000 ' 2 second guard time
SEROUT TX, baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"ATNI BS2 Test Node",CR, ' Set description
"ATMY ", HEX myAddr,CR, ' Set Node address
"ATDL ", HEX DestAddr,CR, ' Set Destination Node address
"ATD6 1",CR, ' Enable flow control
"ATCN",CR] ' Exit command mode
X = X + 1
SEROUT TX,Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]DEC X,CR,CR] ' Send value of X as decimal
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' rx_flow_control.bs2
' Simple data with flow control
' Example to receive decimal value and
' display in DEBUG Window using flow control
' Example to receive decimal value and display in DEBUG Window using flow control
Baud CON 84
myAddr CON $1 ' Node address
DestAddr CON $0 ' Destination address
RX PIN 0 ' Receive Pin
TX PIN 1 ' Transmit Pin
RTS PIN 2 ' Connect to RTS flow control pin
X VAR Word
HIGH TX ' Idle transmit pin
[noparse][[/noparse] Xbee Inlitalization ]
DEBUG CLS, "Configuring XBee for flow control", CR
PAUSE 2000 ' 2 second guard time
SEROUT TX, Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"+++"] ' Enter command mode
PAUSE 2000 ' 2 second guard time
SEROUT TX, baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"ATNI BS2 Test Node",CR, ' Set description
"ATMY ", HEX myAddr,CR, ' Set Node address
"ATDL ", HEX DestAddr,CR, ' Set Destination Node address
"ATD6 1",CR, ' Enable flow control
"ATCN",CR] ' Exit command mode
[noparse][[/noparse] Main ]
DEBUG CR,"Press a key to retrieve data in buffer", CR
DEBUGIN X ' Wait for key press
SERIN RX\RTS, Baud,100,Timeout,[noparse][[/noparse]DEC x] ' Receive data with 100mS timeout/flow control
DEBUG CR,DEC X ' Display data
GOTO GetData ' Loop back for more data
Timeout: ' No data, repeat
"ATD6 1",CR, ' Enable flow control
in Wildatheart's program above.
Another parameter you might want to experiment with is the "packetization timeout" RO.
Tracy Allen
while I'm waiting for the batteries to charge: do those two programs only have to be run one time to configure the xbee for flow control? does the actual program have to include "ATD6 1"?
would my code look like this:
GOSUB GetOwnValue
GOSUB SendValue
GOSUB GetOtherValue
PULSIN Yin, HiPulse, pulse2
SEROUT TX, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]"ATNI BS2 Test Node", CR, ' Set description
"ATMY ", HEX myAddr, CR, ' Set node address
"ATDL ", HEX DestAddr, CR, ' Set destination address
"ATD6 1", CR, ' Use RTS for flow control
SEROUT TX\RTS,84,[noparse][[/noparse]"*",pulse2.HIGHBYTE, pulse2.LOWBYTE,CR,CR]
SERIN RX, 84,[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT ("*"),pulse1.HIGHBYTE,pulse1.LOWBYTE]
Why are you changing the code and concerning yourself with having to rerun the Xbee configuration each time you test run your setup? No, it isn't necessary to do a full reconfig each time, but for now your sole concern should be to establish some form of reliable communication between the two units. I'd advise you to stay with the basics until you get this to run.
Also, I'd forget about testing servos at this time - and until you reach a comfort level with your ability to transmit/receive data without errors.
Other Xbee posting here discuss battery life when used with the Xbee. I'd also suggest you read through some of them, if you haven't already.
If you continue to have difficulty, please attach a wiring diagram of your two setups.
Hope this helps.
Post Edited (Wildatheart) : 5/4/2010 12:06:34 AM GMT
Program control and flow control are not the same. Flow control allows the Xbee buffer to continue receiving a limited amount of transmitted data while the BS2 is away performing tasks other than those related to xbee stuff. As for that buffer… think of a bucket hanging from a rubber snubber. There is an acceptable point at which the bucket hangs given a certain load. However if the bucket isn’t full, additional load added to the bucket simply stretches the rubber snubber a bit more. Up until the point when the bucket overflows, you’re able to save the unprocessed material subsequently added to the bucket for future processing.
After you understand this concept, your programming skills must coordinate orderly bidirectional transmissions through program control. The Xbee's are good, but they're not good enough to replace the programmer
Now, think about the program - think about the process - think about what happens when your left hand transfers something to your right hand.
Your left hand has the hotdog and makes a gesture to your right hand to take it. Your right hand has to be ready and looking for the handoff. ...and back and forth if you want to transfer information bidirectionally.
If your right hand isn't waiting in a loop for the handoff, it's just la de da de da. You have to program the exchange, and be anticipating the handoff.
Make sense?
Post Edited (Wildatheart) : 5/4/2010 5:30:20 AM GMT
The transmitter must send... the receiver must be expecting the delivery, the receiver may or may not acknowledge receipt by sending acknowledgement back to the transmitter, and then the receiver acts on that offering, and visa versa.
Stop thinking about RTS and flow control for now if you're just transferring single data at a time - think program control.
But, you'll do better if you think about exchanging hotdogs from hand to hand - one gives, one is ready to accept - back and forth.
The transmitter waits until the receiver sends DEC 22 before it begins its transmission to the receiver
x = 0
DEBUG "Ready to receive",CR
BUTTON Btn, 1, 200, 20, btnWrk, 0, No_Press ' a button press at the receiver signals the transmitter
IF x = 0 THEN GOSUB Init_TXer
Init_TXer: '
SEROUT TX,Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]DEC StartTX,CR,CR] ' now send transmitter the code/okay to begin transmission
Main: 'wait till the okay to begin gets here
PAUSE 2500
DEBUG " Waiting to begin",CR
DO UNTIL x = 22
SERIN RX\RTS, Baud,100,Timeout1,[noparse][[/noparse]DEC x]
FOR x = 1 TO 1000 ' got the okay to begin, now transmit data to receiver
SEROUT TX,Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]DEC X,CR,CR]
GOSUB Receive ' No data, repeat
SERIN RX\RTS, Baud,100,Timeout,[noparse][[/noparse]DEC y] ' yet another bidirectional exchange
IF y = 35 THEN GOTO Main
My simple RX example above uses a "keypress", not for bidirectional communication, but to unload data from its' Xbee. So, a keypress would work. An accelerameter's data would also work. The end of a PAUSE in a program would work. Something has to happen before something else happens.
Now it is your turn. You have too much misunderstood information and its confusing you. So, back to square one! Please convince us that your two units are electrically and functionally working by explaining in your words what's happening in the simple RX and TX program above.
pulse2 = 0
DO UNTIL pulse2 > 0
SERIN RX\RTS,84,[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT ("*"),pulse2.HIGHBYTE,pulse2.LOWBYTE]
I'm confused about why this did the trick because I thought the WAIT ("*") would essentially create a loop.
3. How do you know that this scenario won't happen: The serout command is executed on xbee #1, xbee #2 receives the data and then executes its serout command and then goes back to the serin command before xbee #1 has a chance to receive the data, so they are both stuck in the serin command?
Also, I'm still having battery trouble. I have a 9 V battery separate from the servo power supply for the BS2 and xbee. It lost voltage very rapidly. any suggestions for a better lightweight power supply? I am already using a somewhat heavy supply for the servo, consisting of 5 AA batteries.
Second, had you have gone back and read some of the other Xbee posts (as I recommended) you’d have learned that Xbee’s are power hogs (comparatively speaking). 9 volt batteries won’t last all that long.
Third, you seem to have a mind of your own, and it is becoming clear that your failure to understand is largely due to a deliberate disregard of my suggestions.
Fourth, I will not consider, nor will I comment on the code or other programming remarks you included in your latest comments. You are trying to suck me into something that is nothing close to the known to work code I listed for you to try.
Fifth, if your primary focus in rotating servos, I do not have the time to help you. On the other hand, if you want learn something about the Xbee such that YOU can troubleshoot your own situations, I’ll hang in there with you.
Now, if you’re going to hang in here under my terms, you will need to run, rerun, run again, study the code, and continue running the simple TX and RX programs until you’re no longer “muddled” about their operation. You will cut your servo stuff off of your BS2 (as I previously asked), and you will explain the operation of the TX and RX programs.
Let’s try again.
Second, I have been looking up xbee posts and do not see any helpful information about what battery to use.
Third, I do have a mind. The code you provided makes no sense to that mind.
Fourth, I tried something similar to a few lines of that code that was comprehensible, and it WORKED.
Fifth, my primary focus is not in rotating servos. All my questions have been directed at getting the xbees to communicate. I merely mentioned that I am already using a separate supply for my servo, because my sole problem is finding a lightweight battery that is sufficient for the bs2/xbee, due to project constraints.
Regarding your inability to find information in the forums on the Xbee power requirements, see Joshua Donaldson’s post at
If your “sole problem is finding a lightweight battery that is sufficient for the bs2/xbee, due to project constraints.”, I can’t help you anymore.
If you were able to glean a few lines of code that WORKED for you, then case closed. I’m happy to have helped you.
But if you ever want to know more about RTS/flow control stuff (where this all started) we can always revisit the concept if you choose.
Post Edited (Wildatheart) : 5/5/2010 5:28:56 AM GMT