Fastest crystal speed that FullDuplexSerial can run at?

Has anyone done any testing to what the fastest "Prop" speed FullDuplexSerial can still operate at 9600 or 19200 bauds?
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If you want exact numbers, you could do a timing analysis of the FullDuplexSerial code. There's not a lot of instructions involved in the main loop.
I was able to get 250kbps over two solid core copper wires between two props that were about 6 inches apart @ 80mhz with the fullduplexserial object. Anything above that seemed fairly unreliable. But to get this, I had to use 10k pull down resistors on both wires.
We recently switched over to 100 MHz for our latest PoS terminal and hope to start using 230K baud.
All of our communication modules are serial, Smart FTDI USB cables, Ethernet, WiFi and long range
wireless. The change in Propeller power consumption was negligible and the 20% increase in speed
makes a noticeable difference, especially when writing to the display.
The max. Prop clockfrequency for 9600 baud would be: 41e12 Hz or 41 TeraHertz !
I venture to doubt that somebody has done tests in this region this so far...