if not semID := locknew ??

RE: "The official Guide" Programming and Customizing...
Timestamp Dev (ASM) example on page 113
I'm working through this example for PASD debugger and came to this line
if not semID := locknew
1) It's a conditional
2) negative logic ?
3) assignment operation ?
4) check out a lock
What is this line doing?
Timestamp Dev (ASM) example on page 113
I'm working through this example for PASD debugger and came to this line
if not semID := locknew
1) It's a conditional
2) negative logic ?
3) assignment operation ?
4) check out a lock
What is this line doing?
PUB TestStart m := 10 s := 59 ms := 999 dt := clkfreq/1000 if not semID := locknew ' check out a lock cognew(@entry, @m) '{' dbg.start(31, 30, @entry) ' <--- Add for debugger '}' repeat ' keep the cog running
I found something like this in the TimeStamp Object but judging by the associated comment that's completely broken.
Post Edited (kuroneko) : 5/1/2010 2:36:41 AM GMT
makes sense when you say it like that. Just what I needed.
So, then the result is:
check to see if a lock is available before cognew(@entry, @m)