BS2 To flash
Posts: 4
Hello Everybody,
I am trying to make my flash memory work with a BS2. The BS2, as you know, runs at 5V. The flash memory, atmel ATDF161A, runs at 3.3V. I have an SPI connection between the two with a level shifter between them. I have tried to write to my flash memory to no avail. I was able to find some code online that referred to writing to an Atmel AT45DB011. Some of you may have read it online before. I know that the two flashes are different and I am trying to figure out where in the code I need to modify to make it work with my flash. I will paste the original code after my message and if anyone can help, please respond back quickly. Before I go, does anyone think it could be the level shifter causing problems? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. Well, here's the original code I found online:
' Demo of the AT45D0xx
' under control of the Stamp II
' (c) 1999 Tracy Allen, Electronically Monitored Ecosystems.
cmd var byte ' AT45D0xx command, to be sent by the Stamp
page var word ' page of 264 bytes, 1024 pages in the AT45D020
adrs var byte ' which byte on page
' bytes 256-263 not used
ix var byte ' general purpose index
x var byte ' general purpose byte
' here are the connections to hardware control lines:
atcs con 8 ' AT45D0xx chip select line
sck con 9 ' AT45D0xx clock line
sdo con 10 ' AT45D0xx data output line
sdi con 11 ' AT45D0xx data input line
sdip var in11 ' AT45D0xx data status
' here is demo data that will be stored in the dataflash:
msg data "this is a test.. 1.. 2.. 3.."
' first write some data to one of the RAM buffers
cmd=$84 ' write to buffer 1 command
adrs=0 ' write at the beginning of the page
gosub sndcmd
for ix=0 to 27 ' 28 byte message
read msg+ix,x ' read it from BS2 eeprom
debug x ' show it on screen
shiftout sdo,sck,msbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]x\8] ' put it in the AT45D0xx
debug cr
high atcs ' finish the command
' now read back the data from the RAM buffer
cmd=$54 ' read from buffer 1
adrs=0 ' read from the beginning of the page
gosub sndcmd
for ix=0 to 27 ' 28 byte message
shiftin sdi,sck,msbpost,[noparse][[/noparse]x] ' get it from the AT45D0xx
debug x ' show it on screen
high atcs ' finish the command
debug cr
' now erase a flash eeprom page and put the data there
cmd=$83 ' erase flash page & write buffer 1 there
page=5 ' choose page 5 for the demo
debug hex4 page,cr
gosub sndcmd ' do it, erase and program page 5!
high atcs ' finish the command
gosub waitready ' wait for it to finish writing
'pause 20 ' alternative to wait routine, hard pause
' now read data directly from the flash page
cmd=$52 ' read page direct command
page=5 ' same page as above
adrs=0 ' top of the page
gosub sndcmd
for ix=0 to 27 ' read 28 bytes
shiftin sdi,sck,msbpost,[noparse][[/noparse]x\8]
debug x
high atcs ' finish the command
debug cr,cr
pause 1000
end ' end of the demo program
' subroutine sends the command
' some commands require more bytes than others
' some commands require a lot of extra clocking bits
' This routine asserts chip select, but it is up to the
' calling routine to bring the chip select back high.
low atcs
shiftout sdo,sck,msbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]cmd\8,page<<1\16,adrs\8]
if cmd>$56 then sndend
shiftout sdo,sck,msbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]0\8]
if cmd>$52 then sndend
shiftout sdo,sck,msbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]0\16,0\8]
' subroutine waits for the chip to finish writing to flash page
' it has a timeout loop
' note that it is necessary to wait before starting another
' write to the flash
' however, the program could start sending data to the
' alternate RAM buffer #2 even while the write is in progress.
low atcs
shiftout sdo,sck,msbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]$ae\9]
pause 1
if sdip-1*ix then wr1
high atcs
if ix=0 then error
debug "dataflash write error",cr
I am trying to make my flash memory work with a BS2. The BS2, as you know, runs at 5V. The flash memory, atmel ATDF161A, runs at 3.3V. I have an SPI connection between the two with a level shifter between them. I have tried to write to my flash memory to no avail. I was able to find some code online that referred to writing to an Atmel AT45DB011. Some of you may have read it online before. I know that the two flashes are different and I am trying to figure out where in the code I need to modify to make it work with my flash. I will paste the original code after my message and if anyone can help, please respond back quickly. Before I go, does anyone think it could be the level shifter causing problems? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. Well, here's the original code I found online:
' Demo of the AT45D0xx
' under control of the Stamp II
' (c) 1999 Tracy Allen, Electronically Monitored Ecosystems.
cmd var byte ' AT45D0xx command, to be sent by the Stamp
page var word ' page of 264 bytes, 1024 pages in the AT45D020
adrs var byte ' which byte on page
' bytes 256-263 not used
ix var byte ' general purpose index
x var byte ' general purpose byte
' here are the connections to hardware control lines:
atcs con 8 ' AT45D0xx chip select line
sck con 9 ' AT45D0xx clock line
sdo con 10 ' AT45D0xx data output line
sdi con 11 ' AT45D0xx data input line
sdip var in11 ' AT45D0xx data status
' here is demo data that will be stored in the dataflash:
msg data "this is a test.. 1.. 2.. 3.."
' first write some data to one of the RAM buffers
cmd=$84 ' write to buffer 1 command
adrs=0 ' write at the beginning of the page
gosub sndcmd
for ix=0 to 27 ' 28 byte message
read msg+ix,x ' read it from BS2 eeprom
debug x ' show it on screen
shiftout sdo,sck,msbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]x\8] ' put it in the AT45D0xx
debug cr
high atcs ' finish the command
' now read back the data from the RAM buffer
cmd=$54 ' read from buffer 1
adrs=0 ' read from the beginning of the page
gosub sndcmd
for ix=0 to 27 ' 28 byte message
shiftin sdi,sck,msbpost,[noparse][[/noparse]x] ' get it from the AT45D0xx
debug x ' show it on screen
high atcs ' finish the command
debug cr
' now erase a flash eeprom page and put the data there
cmd=$83 ' erase flash page & write buffer 1 there
page=5 ' choose page 5 for the demo
debug hex4 page,cr
gosub sndcmd ' do it, erase and program page 5!
high atcs ' finish the command
gosub waitready ' wait for it to finish writing
'pause 20 ' alternative to wait routine, hard pause
' now read data directly from the flash page
cmd=$52 ' read page direct command
page=5 ' same page as above
adrs=0 ' top of the page
gosub sndcmd
for ix=0 to 27 ' read 28 bytes
shiftin sdi,sck,msbpost,[noparse][[/noparse]x\8]
debug x
high atcs ' finish the command
debug cr,cr
pause 1000
end ' end of the demo program
' subroutine sends the command
' some commands require more bytes than others
' some commands require a lot of extra clocking bits
' This routine asserts chip select, but it is up to the
' calling routine to bring the chip select back high.
low atcs
shiftout sdo,sck,msbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]cmd\8,page<<1\16,adrs\8]
if cmd>$56 then sndend
shiftout sdo,sck,msbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]0\8]
if cmd>$52 then sndend
shiftout sdo,sck,msbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]0\16,0\8]
' subroutine waits for the chip to finish writing to flash page
' it has a timeout loop
' note that it is necessary to wait before starting another
' write to the flash
' however, the program could start sending data to the
' alternate RAM buffer #2 even while the write is in progress.
low atcs
shiftout sdo,sck,msbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]$ae\9]
pause 1
if sdip-1*ix then wr1
high atcs
if ix=0 then error
debug "dataflash write error",cr
Furthermore, Atmel retired the $52 command (for reading data with MSBPOST modifier) and suggests using command $E2 instead (used with the MSBPRE modifier). The old command may still work, but if not, the program will require several adjustments.
Tracy Allen
shiftout 4,5,msbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]$02\8, 0\16, 0\8, 72\9, 99\8] 'pin 4 is our data out and pin 5 is our clock, the rest is a string from the data sheet to write to a page
This was great to see, but when I tried to change the hex value coming out, it wouldn't change. I don't know what the problem is, and I'm trying to understand this basic stamp environment. It doesn't seem too hard at first, but it can get confusing. I've read through a lot of your website, good stuff. The Earth Measurement pdf link is dead, BTW.
Any help would be appreciated to help us write and read to our flash. Below I have attached a link to the Atmel flash we are using. Thanks.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Demo of the AT45D0xx
' under control of the Stamp II
' (c) 1999 Tracy Allen, Electronically Monitored Ecosystems.
cmd VAR Byte ' AT45D0xx command, to be sent by the Stamp
page VAR Word ' page of 264 bytes, 1024 pages in the AT45D020
adrs VAR Byte ' which byte on page
dat VAR Byte 'data in
stat VAR Byte 'status register
ix VAR Byte ' general purpose index
x VAR Byte ' general purpose byte
' here are the connections to hardware control lines:
cs PIN 3 ' chip SELECT line
clk PIN 5 ' clock line
so PIN 4 ' data output line
si PIN 6 ' data input line
sip VAR IN11 ' AT45D0xx data status
' here is demo data that will be stored in the dataflash:
msg DATA "this is a test.. 1.. 2.. 3.."
'GOSUB status
'GOSUB unprotect
'GOSUB status
''GOSUB sector_protect
GOSUB status
GOSUB disable
GOSUB status
GOSUB status
'check the status register
cmd = $05 'opcode for checking status
LOW cs 'CS low
SHIFTOUT so, clk, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]cmd\8] 'checks status, looking for 0 on bit7
SHIFTIN si, clk, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]stat\8]
'performing a global unprotect of flash
cmd = $06 'opcode for write enable
LOW cs 'CS low
SHIFTOUT so, clk, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]cmd\8] 'sets WEL bit to 1 in status register
HIGH cs 'CS high
cmd = $01 'opcode for global unprotect
dat = $00 'sets the status at unprotect
LOW cs
SHIFTOUT so, clk, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]cmd\8, dat\8]
'write to address in seq. mode
cmd = $06 'opcode for write enable
dat = $01
LOW cs 'CS low
SHIFTOUT so, clk, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]cmd\8] 'sets WEL bit to 1 in status register
HIGH cs 'CS high
cmd = $AF 'opcode for sequential mode
LOW cs
SHIFTOUT so, clk, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]cmd\8, 0\16, 0\8, dat\8] 'writing hex 99 to address 00
'disable write
cmd = $04
LOW cs
SHIFTOUT so, clk, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]cmd\8]
'read from memory
cmd = $03
LOW cs
SHIFTOUT so, clk, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]cmd\8, 0\16, 0\8]
SHIFTIN si, clk, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]adrs\8]
DEBUG CR, dec adrs