Problems adding servo code to Beau's RF Transciever Program
Hello all
I'm trying to make Beau's RF Transciever program send data and run a standard servo at the same time. My Modified "Transciver TX Demo3" program will compile, but the servo does not move. attached below is my project archive.
If someone can respond as soon as possible, I would be very, very, very, grateful!!
Thank you all very much!
Post Edited (Michelle S.) : 4/28/2010 5:12:48 PM GMT

I'm trying to make Beau's RF Transciever program send data and run a standard servo at the same time. My Modified "Transciver TX Demo3" program will compile, but the servo does not move. attached below is my project archive.
If someone can respond as soon as possible, I would be very, very, very, grateful!!
Thank you all very much!
Post Edited (Michelle S.) : 4/28/2010 5:12:48 PM GMT
Can you post a quick circuit diagram and/or a photo of the setup? It should be possible to do both things at the same time, but sometimes there are tricks like using the correct masks on pins so that two pins don't conflict. I haven't used either of these bits of code and hopefully others will chime in soon, but I have found that it helps to break up the problem into parts. Do you have the transceiver bit working yet? Which RF modules etc? In the past I've even resorted to using RF comms and just flashing a led to say the data got there. Then build on that code.
After corresponding by E-mail we should keep this here so others can benefit.
Attached is a DEMO that uses the RF Transceiver, along with the CRC package.
The Transmitter DEMO set’s a Servo value that the Receiver module will ‘see’ and moves the servo to the desired position.
The way the DEMO works is that the Transmitter sets the servo position… the Receiver then sets a physical servo to that position based on what it sees from the receive buffer. You could just as easily have the Servo driver on the transmitter side as well and do it directly.
The ‘structure’ of the Data packet has the strings at the beginning (From location Zero counting upward in the TX buffer) and the raw data at the end counting towards Zero from the number you specify in the PacketLength. This is because for strings, they terminate with a ZERO value, and valid DATA could contain a ZERO. So in a way, the String capability I recently added is for ‘Human readable fluff’ only
There is another feature I added to the String manipulation into the TX buffer that makes it a little bit easier called CatTXString ... this function will concatenate data into the TX buffer ... so you will need to update your RF_Transceiver file to the new RF_Transceiver 1.1b file.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
I never got the rest of your email. Please email me or send me the post about the part that replaces my Servo motor going forward then reversing direction and going back -- repeating that pattern over and over.
Thanks so much because my deadline is Monday!!