Silk Purses From Sows Ears
BannedPosts: 5,065
I have a bunch of sows ears and need to make silk purses from them.· How do I do that?· Should I connect them all to Ground?
Any ideas?
Any ideas?
Just kidding
·Now wanting to learn Spin· Thanks for any··that you may have and all of your time finding them
- Stephen
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
After RingTFM (as previously recommended), I’d recommend that you also proceed with sagaciousness.
PS Does your question have anything to do with the pork you wrote about in another post regarding another member hoofin’ off with your silk purse? Just curious. If so, would you request that the Forum Administrator move this topic to the Test Forum. If not, my first suggestion sounds pretty reasonable to me.
I read today that China is outpacing us in the number of patents filed, so it’s likely we’re all only a few ohms away joining you in the low life you speak about. You don’t want this “junked up with a bunch of stupid resistors and capacitors”, but my advice would be for you to put a cap on it, else that ‘boobering pedestrian’ will soon be considered as one holding a position of high honor in the United States.
BP needs an ROV that can cap an undersea oil well blow out. The world needs a solar sail to nudge space junk toward deorbit. Nursing homes need an alarm to monitor the escape of their Alzheimer patients. Children need educational stimulation in place of video entertainment. Want me to go on?
We both know that Parallax has the sensors. But… you want “the code”. Typically, here, we do ‘junk things up with resistors and capacitors’, solar cells, accelerometers, RF devices, etc. prior to formulating the code. But in your case I’ll point you in the direction of the code before you start with the hardware. My name here (not by accident) is ‘Wildatheart’ – no, I don’t smoke the wackie tabackie, and the currents have been within tolerance too. I’m one of the old guys that still believes in the dream. But you don’t give a rats rear end about any of that – you’re a very, very important student and all you want is “the code”. Ok then… it’s found in an easy read, Wild At Heart by John Eldredge.
Read it. Get “the code”. Order the sensors from Parallax. And report back here to your other brothers from other mothers after resigning your membership in the “Counsel of Despair”.
Quite unlike your advice to me… you can’t be replaced. You can make a difference! It has always been, and always will be... all about grounding.
Here’s a simple experiment you can do in your bath tub with a windup egg timer and 5 gal. size paint stir stick marked in ¼ inch increments. (If a small amount of money is available you could also use a Parallax eTAPE LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR, item code 29131, in lieu of the stir stick). After removing the oxygen molecules from lukewarm water in the half full tub, open the drain and begin plotting liquid depth vs. time as the tub drains. A well done presentation of the charted data would make nice advertising for hard boiled eggs.
Best of all… ya don’t even need “the code”, ya don’t have to RTFM, and ya don’t even have to tie the grounds of the stick and timer together.
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Use BASIC on the Propeller with the speed of assembly language.
PropBASIC thread
March 2010 Nuts and Volts article·
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There are two rules in life:
· 1) Never divulge all information
He's dealing with sow's ears and now he wants "the code". We're trying every way we know how to steer him
back to the topic - sensors.
Please chime in with your suggestions too. He's resisting and I'm running out of ideas.
"The topic"?· Where is this rigid adherence to "the topic" anywhere?
See this thread, and specifically PJ's posts therein:
Personally, I think he's got too much despair, and not enough counseling, but that's just me, and I could really use some counseling so as to help minimize my despair.
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log
Pi aren't squared, pi are round. Cornbread are squared!
Things are starting at a lower level than they used to with respect to absurdity.
Note PJ’s contribution in
As I suspected in my first response the this nonsense, a business associate of the Counsel of Despair, possibly named Tim Gilmore, apparently shistered him out of a lucrative business opportunity in the third quarter of last year.
PJ, because others have noticed and are now beginning to comment on your flip and void contributions to the forums, a reboot seems necessary. Suitable meds taken regularly along with a regimen of anger management classes usually gets every half byte processing again. Get the picture?
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support·
But as a hint, a Stamp is WAY too slow to accomplish the task at hand. You'll need a left-handed metric 11-cog Propeller. Ken Gracey only had 3 in stock when I checked.
Oh, and Snipe Ears yield larger and stronger Silk purses than Pig ears.
And yep, ground the Smile outta them.
·"If you build it, they will come."
Got 150 pounds of bot and growing.