Found This!!
I found an article on using a Gameboy Camera for image recognition with an AVR-8. [noparse][[/noparse] PDF ]
Figured I would share as these are on ebay for $12.00AUD HERE
The camera contains a M64282FP chip and the camera has the following pinout:
Figured it would be cool to get one of these wired to a prop....but I don't have the time.
"powered by Propeller" domed stickers $1.50 - Find them here
Check out my Design and Technology project for my Higher School Certificate
The Sarah Myatt Fund - Help Sarah and Her Family Fight Quadriplegia HERE [noparse][[/noparse] PDF ]
Figured I would share as these are on ebay for $12.00AUD HERE
The camera contains a M64282FP chip and the camera has the following pinout:
1. +5V 2. START 3. SINSCK 4. LOAD 5. RESET 6. XCK 7. READ 8. VOUT 9. GND 10. GND
Figured it would be cool to get one of these wired to a prop....but I don't have the time.
"powered by Propeller" domed stickers $1.50 - Find them here
Check out my Design and Technology project for my Higher School Certificate
The Sarah Myatt Fund - Help Sarah and Her Family Fight Quadriplegia HERE