PING Question
I'm working on the design of a home monitoring system. I live much farther south in the winter (Jamaica) and want to be able to monitor the status of my house over the internet. One thing I'd really like to be able to see is the level of the heating oil in my 500 gallon tank. My current inspiration is to use a PING sensor. If I mount a PING pointed down one of the 1 1/2" pipes coming out of the top of the tank, will that work?
Style and grace : Nil point
With the ping sensor, you probably want to take results of the tank with different depths.· You might have to experiment with the sensor in different positions on the outside of the tank.
·There are commercially available products you could hack.
I was gonna suggest the eTape liquid level sensor, but it states usage in water based liquids and dry fluids, so I suspect it won't be too happy in a petroleum fluid.
Here is a link
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I would add, I dunno what those fumes will do to the PING))) over extended exposure ...
I hope this helps.
cheers BBR
cheers ... brian riley, n1bq, underhill center, vermont
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