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use Hagisonic StarGazer indoor localization sensor for indoor helicopter — Parallax Forums

use Hagisonic StarGazer indoor localization sensor for indoor helicopter

huynh153huynh153 Posts: 3
edited 2014-05-06 15:23 in Robotics
Dear all users,

I intend to use a use Hagisonic StarGazer to determine the position of my helicopter in indoor flight test.

I read some information as well as some search works using this sensor. I am interest in this sensor due to its accuracy and operation. I intend to buy one set of the sensor.

However, I am wondering whether the Hagisonic StarGazer can be used for Helicopter or not. I am afraid that the change of helicopter altitude during flight test will cause the variation in the distance between the landmakes and the detector. I could not find any information about this issue yet.

Another problem is the change in attitude of the helicopter during flight test. Will it affect to the operation of the Hagisonic StarGazer?

It is my honor to have the sharing from you. Thank you in advance.



  • YHYH Posts: 1
    edited 2010-06-29 17:07

    Glad to know that we have the same idea. Haha.

    I was thinking of using the StarGazer too for the indoor localization of my quadrotor helicopter and I was having the same worry as yours about the attitude and altitude problems.

    I just got my the complete set of StarGazer yesterday and I have tested it out for a while.

    The StarGazer is indeed very accurate, and I think in the latest version they made the sensor to function with a variable height (but within the height limit of the landmark).

    And in the output result of the StarGazer they have included the height of the landmark. However, I think if you are thinking of using landmarks of different height levels, you may need to change the Mark Type parameter which specifies the types of landmarks used and need to 'SetEnd' to update the parameter.

    I think you can refer to the latest StarGazer user guide for the changes they made.

    As for the effect of the attitude change on the reading, I have tested it and it really affects the reading as expected. It's like the distance reading changed around 10 cm as I tilted the StarGazer for about 1-2 degree.

    I have thought of using pitch and roll readings from accelerometers to compensate the effects of the attitude, but the acceleration of the helicopter during flight may cause the pitch and roll readings to be inaccurate.

    I think I'll need more testing on the StarGazer to see if there's any other weakness or not. So far I think it's quite possible to be implemented on a helicopter.

    Hope I have helped you and I'm interested to know more about your project cause we're having the same idea. lol.gif

  • Dexter7Dexter7 Posts: 1
    edited 2014-05-06 15:23

    I am trying to get my Hagisonic StarGazer navigaton system working. My monitor program doesn't seem to be working properly, but the StarGazer hardware is sending correct data into my computer's port. Could you tell me, first of all, if you get anything in the topmost field of the Monitor program? That is, the box that says: "Firmware version" My screen shows this to be it the same with your program? I have other questions, but I thought I would start there.


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