Thrustmaster Universal Challenge
Can someone PLEASE point me in the right I can interface this steering wheel with the Propeller... When all say and done I would like to be able to control a gokart with a few xbee mods and this steering wheel set up.... I BIG remote controlled GoKart if you will.· Any input would help...What I want to do is be able to sit in front of my computer using a cam and drive the GoKart from my room.
my 2 cents
There is a nice N64 driver in the OBEX which uses a single data line.
Are you Propeller Powered?
Visit the: PROPELLERPOWERED SIG forum kindly hosted by Savage Circuits.
First, you'll need to determine what the torque and speed requirements for your steering mechanism will be. I doubt you will directly drive your steering wheel with the motor, so you'll probably want some sort of gearing and/or belting system for the motor to move the steering. Keep in mind that the torque/speed requirements during actual movement of the go cart will probably be very different than having it setting in your garage. You will have to match your motor requirements to fit what the go cart needs and, from that, determine what sort of power supply will drive your motor - are you planning on using a battery system, or an electric generator, or what?
I'm guessing the Prop would make an excellent controller for such a project and you'll find a lot more sophistication is possible, far better than the BS2. The Propeller Object Exchange (aka OBEX) has a variety of software objects available for servo motors, steppers, etc. The Prop can control stepper motors via various methods, each of which provides various amounts of efficiency/performance.
The OBEX section for motor control is here:
For a little recent discussion about stepper motor control with the Propeller, you might check out this:
For an interesting tutorial about stepper motors, check out this:
Hope that helps you get started.
Watching the world pass me by, one photon at a time.
Post Edited (ElectricAye) : 4/25/2010 1:40:58 AM GMT