PMB 248 GPS module, Can't get a lock on satelites
Posts: 2
Im having trouble getting right info from my PMB 248 GPS antenna. It only ticks each second and change each second.
This is the program I'm using:
It belongs to George Lejnine.
When I debug the info I get from N, NN, W and WW. I only get garbage data. It ticks like the clock and counts to 60 then it starts over.
Like this:
Im having trouble getting right info from my PMB 248 GPS antenna. It only ticks each second and change each second.
This is the program I'm using:
' {$STAMP BS2sx} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} 'By George Lejnine and parts by Randy Price 'Program to read in GPS coordinates from the NMEA 0183 GPRMC statement 'Many parts have been removed such as time and course direction, for simplicity. They can easily be added. gpstime VAR Word N VAR Word N2 VAR Word A VAR Word B VAR Word WA VAR Word W VAR Word NN VAR Word WW VAR Word speed1 VAR Word speed2 VAR Nib course1 VAR Word course2 VAR Nib 'Baud rates: '16572 = 4800 baud n4800 CON 16884 main: 'The number after SERIN is the Pin to which the Green wire is connected, in our case 15 SERIN 15,n4800,noGPS1,[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT("RMC,"),DEC gpstime, SKIP 3, DEC N, DEC NN, SKIP 3, DEC W, DEC WW, SKIP 3, DEC speed1, DEC speed2, DEC course1,DEC course2] GOSUB output1 GOTO main '******************************************* OUTPUT ROUTINE ******************************************* output1: DEBUG DEC N,".",DEC4 NN," N " DEBUG DEC W,".",DEC4 WW," W ", CR 'Line Break here 'This statement is optional, it is for the BlueTooth Modules. 'SEROUT 1,84 ,[noparse][[/noparse]"TX", 10, DEC NN,10] RETURN '************************************** GPS Not Detected Routine *************************************** nogps1: DEBUG "no gps",CR GOTO MAIN
It belongs to George Lejnine.
When I debug the info I get from N, NN, W and WW. I only get garbage data. It ticks like the clock and counts to 60 then it starts over.
Like this:
103 3.0057 N 49 22.0000 W 103 3.0055 N 49 23.0000 W 103 3.0053 N 49 24.0000 W