What is the easiest way to convert a HEX number (i.e $F4) to the decimal equivelant (i.e. 244)?
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What is the easiest way to convert a HEX number (i.e $F4) to the decimal equivelant (i.e. 244)?
Thank you

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They are being received as a byte via Full Duplex Serial.
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If I say this:
It will put "Success!!!" to the serial line, because 244 is another representation of $F4 and therefore num == 244.
Is this correct?
Thank you
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The prop can't handle decimals so if I do. (15/16)*100 to get 93%
It ends up doing 15/16 which it calculates to be 0 because it ignores decimals, 0 * 100 is 0. So I get 0%
There is a huge difference between 93% and 0%
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"powered by Propeller" domed stickers $1.50 - Find them here
Check out my Design and Technology project for my Higher School Certificate www.ecosureblog.net
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