any help for my sons motion detector project?
Posts: 2
I'm deperately seeking help for my sons school project! I have at my disposal a bs2 stamp a .3A 6VDC slide switch (with pins for board) and a PIR sensor w/ single bit output (I'm assuming this means discreet as in 1 or 0),passive infrared that will detect motion from 20 ft as well as an assortment of resistors, leds, transistors, 555 timers ect.... what we are doing is building a mock-up of a house that when switch is in position 1 and detector senses motion lights turn on for "x" amount of time, and in position 2 piezo speaker sounds alarm and lights flash...can anyone recommend which commands we are looking to use or any kind of advice at all would be very much appreciated...Thanks for the consideration and have a great night!
I would recommend keeping it very simple you will only need the PIR and a resistor you could also wire in the switch so that the whole thing only works when the switch is in the on position. I hope this helps
Todd sorry reading your post I still think this could be built very easily start with the PIR program and add your stuff from there,, Also the whats a micro controller book has some very good circuits and software you can go to the Parallax home page then go to downloads
then basic stamp you will find quite a bit of info and software already written and ready to use that you can modify for you specifics.
Post Edited (mikediv) : 4/20/2010 1:25:08 AM GMT