vmusic and propeller
Posts: 173
I recieved today a module vmusic2 but before I start off with this I have some question.
- Can I interface de rs232 of the vmusic2 directly to the Propeller? The propeller is 3.3v and the vmusic is 5V. I normaly use as max233 for interfacing rs233 signales.
- I found an artical of Mike Green on the Vmusic2 but that is to complex. Is thier an easy example on how to play 1 mp3 file when an input is getting high. I'm still learning to get the spin language under my knollage. (I'm a beginner)
Any help is welcome.
Stefan Vanhoof.
I recieved today a module vmusic2 but before I start off with this I have some question.
- Can I interface de rs232 of the vmusic2 directly to the Propeller? The propeller is 3.3v and the vmusic is 5V. I normaly use as max233 for interfacing rs233 signales.
- I found an artical of Mike Green on the Vmusic2 but that is to complex. Is thier an easy example on how to play 1 mp3 file when an input is getting high. I'm still learning to get the spin language under my knollage. (I'm a beginner)
Any help is welcome.
Stefan Vanhoof.
Do you mean between tx,rx,rts and cts?
At the end, everything will became Electrons...!
Thanks. I connected it.
Is someone having a very easy example of playing 1 file of the vmusic? I try to start easy but I can't find much example on the vmusic2.
I'll test it this evening.
Shawn Lowe
When all else fails.....procrastinate!
Where did you hear that? Not in these forums. I have three working out in the field for the past year, 7 days a week. Mike Green seemed pleased with them.
The only difference is that all 3 of mine are running off of BS2's.
There was a firmware upgrade that you might not have implemented.
I tested the vmusic2 and got it to work. So now I can start and stop the MP3. Nice little thing.
One thing I 'm not quit sure of. It is also not working.
The VSV command is supost to controle the volume. The module is not reakting if I send that. All the rest is working.
Has someone any idea in how this needs to be done. (Controle volume)
The same command that you use to start or stop playing could be replaced with:
"VSV vol CR" 'Sets playback volume. "vol" ranges from 0 (loudest) to 256 (off).
Yes I Know. But it is not working.
I attached spin files
The attached files are just snippets of what you are using. We would like to see the entire code you are using to see how it all interacts.
Does sombody know about that?
Vol affects volume everywhere.
No the files are complete. I'm fast testing the vmusic with two buttons.
I spend some time over at EFX-TEK forums, and·few users in that forum can get them to work.
I can't say I'm the guru on these. Jon Williams (JonnyMac) has spent far more time with these babies trying to get reliable results. All I can definatly say is I have one, and using the info on these threads and on EFX-TEK forums, I can't get mine to work.
If you know of a trick that I and others are missing, please share. The great part of these music players is they are fairly inexpensive!
Shawn Lowe
When all else fails.....procrastinate!
Changed everything and vol is now also working.
That's great. Todd came through before I could.
Every thing I learned about the VMusic2 was from Jon, EFX-TEK, and Scary. Did you try the firmare update, worked for me.
He heard it from me -- my opinion is that the VMUSIC is Smile. I do everything I can to dissuade EFX-TEK customers from using it after the nightmares we've all gone through with the thing. Their tech support stinks on ice (I've sent several e-mails to their engineering group) but that doesn't stop cold calls from salesmen asking how many thousands EFX-TEK wants to purchase. While I have ultimately been able to get it to work, it has at times come down to cracking it open and re-flashing it the hard way. I could do that because I had the correct cable, my customers don't.
Mind you this is just my opinion, many of us have made the thing work. That said, it's frequently painful getting to that point.
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA
Jon, Not what I wanted to hear.
I knew there where problems in the beginning, but I thought they all got sorted out. Terry did a good job of tracking the firmware down and passing it along to eveyone, along with his personal tweakings and your help.
My three VMusic2's have been a great joy to work with on the BS2 platform.
I guess I got the only three good working ones?
Is there anyone else out there that has used the VMusic2 with success on the Propeller platform, (except Mike, he can make anything work).
Post Edited (Todd Chapman) : 4/21/2010 3:31:23 AM GMT
After testing a while with the vmusic I came to a question.
I can start/restart/pause and stop a mp3. I can controle vol on the vmusic.
Is thier a way the prop can know when a mp3 is at his end. The Mp3's used kan be of different length. Is it possible to know in the propeller when a mp3 is at the end and stoped.
I can't find anything in the manual of the vmusic on that.
Thanks for any answer
We have a whole section of our forum devoted to the VMUSIC: www.efx-tek.com/php/smf/index.php?board=24.0
The examples there are for the Prop-1 (BASIC Stamp 1) and Prop-2 (BASIC Stamp 2), but there are several code examples that you should be able to translate. Keep in mind that when the VMUSIC is playing is constantly transmits the position in the file, so you will need to empty this from your RX buffer. When the file is done playing the VMUSIC will emit the ">" character.
To pause and resume a file you send "VP"<CR> -- this toggles the pause state. For example (assuming vmusic is a "fullduplexserial" object):
Will pause or unpause the VMUSIC.
The information you're looking for is in the Vinculum firmware guide.
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA
Shawn Lowe
When all else fails.....procrastinate!
Post Edited (Shawn Lowe) : 4/21/2010 3:18:58 PM GMT
Thanks for making look at the complete firware guide. I never needed all the info before, but looking at what the module sends out while it is playing a file is great reading.
BTW I heard EFX-TEK is adding the Propeller with PropBasic support. This is an awsome addition for you guys. Best of luck!
Yes, EFX-TEK is beginning to integrate the Propeller in to our (and clients') products. We will tend to use Spin and PASM for our products, but if we ever create a generic controller around the Propeller then PropBASIC will also be supported, too.
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA