[resolved][puzzle] 33% setup

Not particularly difficult but I share it anyway. You have space for a single PASM instruction left and you need half the clock frequency on pin 0 (e.g. 40MHz on a 80MHz setup). The pin is already an output (that's when you ran out of space). How?
Don't spoil it for others in the first reply [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Post Edited (kuroneko) : 4/21/2010 7:23:30 AM GMT
Don't spoil it for others in the first reply [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Post Edited (kuroneko) : 4/21/2010 7:23:30 AM GMT
Seriously, that's a great brain twister! To do this with a counter, you have to write two destinations, ctra and frqa. But one instruction can't do that by itself. So it's going to involve co-opting another, extant instruction in weird, unnatural ways. Hmm.
MOVI CTRA,#%0_01001_000
Pin zero will be toggled every clock cycle, so the frequency seen on pin zero will be CLKFREQ/2.
Note that this scheme can be used for other pins if you have a 2nd long available for the pin numbers (and the mode)
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 4/19/2010 4:43:14 AM GMT