Please help me out
··· I am in a high school digital electronics class where we are currently using the boe bot kits. i now want to start doing my own projects but i dont have too much money.
··· Would it be possible to buy...
··········-a basic stamp module
········· -an appropriate socket for it
········· -a serial cable
········· -a serial port
············· ...and then arrange them and set up to the four programing pins·on a breadboard rather than buying the boe or a carrier board?
··· Would it be possible to buy...
··········-a basic stamp module
········· -an appropriate socket for it
········· -a serial cable
········· -a serial port
············· ...and then arrange them and set up to the four programing pins·on a breadboard rather than buying the boe or a carrier board?
Powered by enthusiasm
thanks for the help
Post Edited (RoboLaxKeep) : 4/23/2010 2:12:00 AM GMT
I have done allot of them and·I still use the manual to put them together even now
The most important thing to keep in mind is that the transistors and brown out chip are put in the right place JUST TAKE YOUR TIME with that part of it when you are putting it together check it three time soldier once
I have never had one that did not work yet
I hope this helps
·Now wanting to learn Spin· Thanks for any·