pwm 5 amps
Posts: 95
I am trying to control a 5 amp coil with the pwm output, I am using a irf530 mosfet transistor and it is getting really hot but controlling the coil like it should I know it should not get very hot , i geuss i am over currenting it.
What are your solutions on the curcuit?
Thanks, Toby
What are your solutions on the curcuit?
Thanks, Toby
You may want to look at a mosfet made to switch fully on at logic levels, IRL510 or IRL520 perhaps.
Tom Sisk
a) put a hundred or so ohms in series between the Stamp pin and the mosfet Gate.
b) put a pull down resistor ( 15K) between Gate and Source so the mosfet will not drift into the linear region if the Stamp pin floats.
As I noted previously, your particular mosfet will not handle much more than 4 amps with only 5 volts on the gate.
Tom Sisk
Thanks, Toby
Look at the graphs on the datasheet, particularly the source current vs gate voltage. Increasing the source voltage will only slightly increase the source current at a given gate voltage. You really need an MOSFET that conducts the current you want (preferably more) at the gate voltage you have available (which is a little less than 5V).