Hub and cog timing observations

It seems answering forum posts makes you think a bit about things. I have never really looked into what the hub control logic actually does so as part of my investigation I hooked up a logic analyzer and wrote some code. All this does is start up 7 cogs with identical PASM software but each with a different I/O pin for outputting test pulses. I then wait to make sure they are all loaded and send out a trigger pulse. Each one responds in unison in 7 cycles from detecting the trigger and then I get each one to perform a dummy hub operation then output some more pulses. As you can see from hub_ack.png it is nice and regular synchronization of each cog to the hub as you would expect within the 200ns @80MHz window (16 cycles).
Now if I leave out the line marked ":ack" then you get what you see in hub_noack.png where cog 1 (D0) just misses out synchronizing to the hub due to the fact that it was the SPIN cog which is cog 0 which supplied the trigger pulse.
What I can see from the ACK pulses (the first low to high output) is that the cog takes 7 cycles to execute one instruction after a waitp and update the pin. It's pretty hard to examine what is actually going on this way when you don't have access to any internal timing signals but it's a learning exercise. Next steo might be to really hack it and delid the chip to STM it
Anyway, just thought I'd share what I am finding out, some of you probably know this already and maybe you would like to share what you have found.
Now if I leave out the line marked ":ack" then you get what you see in hub_noack.png where cog 1 (D0) just misses out synchronizing to the hub due to the fact that it was the SPIN cog which is cog 0 which supplied the trigger pulse.
What I can see from the ACK pulses (the first low to high output) is that the cog takes 7 cycles to execute one instruction after a waitp and update the pin. It's pretty hard to examine what is actually going on this way when you don't have access to any internal timing signals but it's a learning exercise. Next steo might be to really hack it and delid the chip to STM it

Anyway, just thought I'd share what I am finding out, some of you probably know this already and maybe you would like to share what you have found.
' Hub operations tests ' 2010 Peter Jakacki ' This test will fire up the other 7 cogs with the same function ' which automatically selects a corresponding I/O pin P0..P6 ' After all the cogs are loaded then the SPIN cog (0) will trigger them ' via P7 after which they will synch to the hub before outputing test pulses ' P0..7 are connected to a logic analyser con _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL16X _XINFREQ = 5_000_000 clockfreq = ((_CLKMODE - XTAL1) >> 6) * _XINFREQ _1mS = clockfreq / 1_000 'Divisor for 1 mS pub main | i dira[noparse][[/noparse]7]~~ outa[noparse][[/noparse]7]~ repeat i from 0 to 6 cognew(@entry,i<<2) ms(200) outa[noparse][[/noparse]7]~~ ' synch test cogs from this I/O outa[noparse][[/noparse]7]~ pub ms(Period) '1 mS if period waitcnt(_1mS * Period + cnt) dat org 0 entry mov outa,#0 mov r0,par shr r0,#2 mov outpin,#1 shl outpin,r0 mov dira,outpin waitpeq synch,synch :ack xor outa,outpin ' toggle output to show reaction time + instr execution rdlong r0,#0 ' dummy hub operation to test hub synch :loop xor outa,outpin ' output test pulses xor outa,outpin xor outa,outpin xor outa,outpin :loop1 jmp #:loop1 ' stop pulsing and let the I/O idle synch long %1000_0000 r0 res 1 outpin res 1
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From the first image you can see that there are 15 cycles (D0) passing between the cog announcing release from waitpxx and it starting to toggle the pin. That leaves 11 cycles for the rdlong which in turn means cog 1 has to wait 3 cycles for its hub window. Cog 0 would have to wait 1 (but doesn't do anything). Cogs 6 and 7 are at -3 and -1, i.e. too late anyway. Then you remove a 4 cycle instruction which effectively moves cog 6 to a 1 wait cycle, cog 7 to 3 cycles after that, cog 0 (off sick) followed by cog 1.
Edit: Corrected cycle numbers (initial post was based on the images which are a bit hard to read). Current numbers are directly from silicon.
Post Edited (kuroneko) : 4/18/2010 8:57:06 AM GMT
May the road rise to meet you; may the sun shine on your back.
May you create something useful, even if it's just a hack.
For the sake of clarity waitpxx is shown in it's best case timing (6 cycles). The inputs (result of 3rd cycle, D+1) are sampled first time during what I call Latch phase. Then 2 cycles pass to refetch the next instruction and the pin is toggled as a result of R (1/2 + 6 + 1/2).
@Steve: I find that a bit hard to swallow [noparse]:)[/noparse] A manual loop only samples once every 8 cycles while a waitpxx - once primed - samples every cycle. Then again, if it does the job I'm not going to argue.
Post Edited (kuroneko) : 4/19/2010 11:21:16 AM GMT
How many cycles does waitpxx take to detect the event immediately after another hub instruction?
May the road rise to meet you; may the sun shine on your back.
May you create something useful, even if it's just a hack.
Anyway, the manual loop always seemed to work out better for me for low latency event detection/handling and timeouts.
May the road rise to meet you; may the sun shine on your back.
May you create something useful, even if it's just a hack.
T2 EXECUTE + INSTRUCTION FETCH (next instruction)
Or is it fetch Destination first as DeSilva mentions (hey, I just read his document. About time!)
I suppose it doesn't really matter but the port read/write is probably more important to me. I know I could just keep on investigating but I just like to discuss these things as I come across them, so as not to miss any of the finer points.
I want to have a better understanding of what I see on the logic analyzer especially when my code reads or writes an I/O. I can see from some of my observations that after an output pin changes state that I have less than a 5ns window for the next instruction to sample an input. This is running the Prop at 80MHz. It would seem that it is not until the execute phase T2 that the input pin would be sampled which means that a port write must be taking 2 microcycles (fetch Source, fetch Destination) to update the pin after T3. It doesn't sound right. Setup and hold times should be in the order of a few ns I expect.
In the timing capture the top trace D2 is the asynchronous input while D1 is the updated output from the input and D0 is the reference clock. D2 is at the extreme of being sampled and can miss out even if it is synchronous with the reference at times but this could also be due to measurement errors and levels.
From my earlier examination of hub operations I was still curious as to whether the cog or the hub takes over. It seems to me that the hub has a lot more going on in it as there has to be the mechanism at reset to do a preset coginit of cog 0 (along with the scrambling), something that I would imagine being a part of the hub as otherwise cog 0 would have to be different from the other cogs. The datasheet confirms that this is the equivalent of a coginit as the loading of booter code into cog 0 takes approximately 496 times 16 cycles of around 12MHz (RCFAST).
ina, phsx and cnt are special in that they are sampled during e. Outputs are always written during R.
coginit timing
Cog L(auncher) starts cog T(arget), time taken is:
The first 8 cycles belong to the actual coginit instruction (not counting 0..15 sync), followed by 511*16+8 to upload 512 longs from hub to cog RAM. Then there are 4 cycles unaccounted for which I believe cover the last steps of initialisation (e.g. PC, flags, doesn't really matter). A is simply the resulting slot offset for a given cog pair within the hub window, e.g. starting cog 4 from cog 0 is faster than starting cog 3. After all that the cog starts executing the first instruction which is -4 before its first hub window.
Post Edited (kuroneko) : 4/19/2010 9:46:58 AM GMT
IIRC the sampling of the INA occurs in the e cycle which is in a single loop when it is reached in the waitpxx instruction.
We know that a waitpxx takes a minimum of 6 cycles (IIRC this has been agreed and is not 5+ as per the manual).
Here is my speculation from my recollection etc...
IdSD (4 cycles) of waitpxx have been executed and the waitpxxx tests the pin in the 5th cycle (the e cycle). When the waitpxx instruction finally agrees (during the e cycle where the input pin is correct) the instruction continues with the R cycle. I believe because of the wait in the e loop, the pipeline gets flushed and so we have a 2 cycle hit, because the next Id cycles are performed again after the R cycle. Most likely this is to reduce power usage from continually fetching the I of the next instruction during the extended e cycle(s).
There was another thread where Chip answered some internal pin timing delays.
As for the cog loading... It must be done using the round-robbin approach as it does not interfere with existing cogs getting hub access and it's load time is fixed (determinate) according to what I understand Chip has said. PropII will still only load longs, not quad longs, but we can load multiple quad longs by·an instruction - yes 1 instruction·(for overlays, etc).
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Yes, the coginit is still performed round-robin with one long per access which agrees with the boot load time and my measurements but I was actually just a little curious about the architecture of the hub itself <scratch these musings for now>.
OK, but how does that compare with what Chip was saying about INA and also Ray in an old post when he said:
"The pins are PHYSICALLY sampled near the end of the "S" cycle due to the internal gate delays before latching takes place at the start of the "D" (or end of the "S") cycle."
I'm checking and asking also because there seems to be some confusion or at least lack of agreement in this regard. Is there an updated timing diagram available?
So, at the start of D (i.e. the end of S) the source register is latched into the S-Latch. At the start of e (i.e. the end of D) the destination register is latched into the D-Latch. In at the start of e (i.e. the end of D) the input pins (this can also be PHSx, CNT, etc depending on the instruction) are also latched into the IN-latch. Now, depending on the instruction, the multiplexer either routes the S-Latch or the IN-Latch to the ALU, as well as the D-Latch. e then executes the ALU cycle to perform the bittest.
Does this make sense?
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As for updated timing diagrams, I think Ray intended to do that ...
The pins are PHYSICALLY sampled at the start of e (or end of D = same thing), but because of internal gate delays, it is ACTUALLY about ~2.5ns before e.
An output is PHYSICALLY written at the start of R (or end of e = same thing), but because of internal gate delays, it is ACTUALLY about ~2.5ns after e.
This means that the INPUT is sampled 3 clocks after an OUTPUT less two lots of gate delays = 37.5ns - ~2.5ns - ~2.5ns = ~33ns for
mov outa,xxxx
mov xxx,ina
When "mov xxx,ina" is replaced with a "waitpxx mask,ina" instruction there are an extra 2 clocks in there somewhere. I think they are after the sampling but this is unconfirmed and maybe due to pipeline reload.
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The input to output timing is relevant to me as I was doing some high-speed serial timing and I needed to know where the input was actually being sampled in relation to the diagnostic output pin states.
So yes, from a mov xxx,ina to mov outa,xxx should be ~62.5 + ~2.5 + ~2.5 = ~67.5ns
However, from a waitpxx to mov out,xxx I think will be ~67.5ns + 25ns = ~92.5ns
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- setup a duty cycle counter in a way that a test mask, ina wz catches the pulse (nz).
- replace the test with e.g. a waitpeq mask, mask
We know that for a move instruction ina is sampled in the execute phase. If the same is true for waitpxx then the replacement should result in the minimum 6 cycle timing for waitpeq. It doesn't ...BTW: the mov xxx,ina is latched at the commencement of the e phase but it latches what was there ~2.5ns earlier (i.e. ~2.5ns before the end of the D phase) and we know the e phase repeats if not satisfied.
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Labelling is subjective, so no point arguing [noparse];)[/noparse] Above timing is minimal (6). I see it as a normal instruction which has 2 extra cycles inserted. One could argue that everything between D and R is some variation of e but as I said, it's subjective. Cycle 5 ("-") does indeed latch our special friends (ina, phsx, cnt in source slot) but only to have them ready as a static mask during comparison (it's a shame really that you can't have live masks). Cycle 6 ("L") is the first looking at ina and is repeated as long as the condition isn't met. Once it is the instruction finishes with eR interleaved with the next instruction's Id.
I have proof (as far as observation by s/w goes) for -LR, and the location for execute makes most sense just before Ra because the ALU is in heavy use during L which means that any result would have to be calculated after that to be ready for R.
a if used with wr the instruction performs value += mask [noparse][[/noparse]+1] - the +1 for waitpne only - most likely due to their close relationship to waitcnt
If the condition is met before the waitpxx samples the pin (including setup time), then why does it take 6 clocks to execute and where are those extra 2 clock inserted ? Or, am I wrong and waitpxx does not take 6 clock minimum ?
What do you think?
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As for the sample code, it's written for the demo board and setup so that a test eins, ina wz catches a duty pulse. This is indicated by LED 16 being lit. LEDs 17..23 show the cycle time for the observed instruction (4 for a test). Swapping this with the waitpeq will result in a 13 cycle display (missed condition -> 6 + 8 - 1). Adjusting phsa to issue the pulse one cycle later (%00100_0000) will result in 6 consumed cycles, two cycles later (%00000_0000) in 7 consumed cycles.
As for the insertion, what I meant was something like this (sorry, got carried away):
Post Edited (kuroneko) : 4/20/2010 4:53:37 AM GMT
According to Chip, each phase begins on the rising clock edge, so your clock divisions should be 1/2 clock later. Also, the e phase is repeated in a loop until the condition is met.
I will look and try your code later - other things I must do first unfortunately.
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I don't think it really matters. This way it's easier to read for me, the active edge is preceded by data setup and followed by output propagation.
Yes, so? I repeat the L phase (until the condition is met) as indicated in the last diagram. My point is simply that the cycle following D and the one preceding R have nothing to do with pin monitoring.
Chip calls your "L" phase the "e" phase (the one between D and R) and the phase begins at the rising edge of the clock pulse. I changed my diagrams to reflect that. Sorry to be pedantic. I don't agree with your statement (semantics only) since when this "e" phase repeats it actually is sampling the source pins 2.5ns before the rising edge of the start of the "e" phase, so this means as it repeats it samples 2.5ns from the end of the "e" phase for the next "e" phase but it only latches if the condition was not met (i.e. repeats). The whole "e" phase is actually the ALU phase where the comparison is physically done and the answer to that is available near the end of the "e" phase ready for the transition of "e" to "R" or back to "e" again.
Maybe it is just easier to say that the pins are latched at the start of "e" (rising edge of clock) and "e" does the compare. Then say there is a sampling·setup time of ~2.5ns prior to latching.
Have you worked out where the extra 2 clocks fit in with the waitpxx? Is it after the sampling before the next instruction (i.e. a pilepline reload or equivalent)? I am not happy with the 3 waitpxx diagrams. I will try later to see what I can verify.
This is great to thoroughly understand so I hope you are not offended by my comments.
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What two extra clocks are you referring to? You have IdSD then a half baked e (latch source value only, i.e. cnt, phsx, ina) then any number of L (1..N) followed by eR. Which is all shown in the diagram(s). So excluding the initial Id I count 6+N, all accounted for.
I'm at a loss really. I have the code here in front of me which tells me that the funtionality is like I outlined above. What does it take to convince you? I suggest you go through the test code for the sample pulse location and then we can continue the discussion [noparse]:)[/noparse]
BTW: I know there is a 2.5ns setup time, but that's not relevant for explaining the HowTo.