Help with Rayman's touchscreen! (4.3")
I have had Raymans 4.3" touchscreen for a day. I am using the breakout board with touch decoder. I have had several errors getting the screen itself to work, but they were all soldering errors and they were fixed. Now I get a good picture but the touchscreen won't register! I am using Rayman's sample drivers from his website. I cannot calabrate or paint with his programs. Do I need a different I2C driver for the PropModule board? Did I *gasp* FRY the decoder IC with 5V?!?!?! There is NO specs or downloads on the PropModule website, so I did not know how much voltage to apply. It works at both, but there is NOTHING with the touchscreen. I have switched wires, resoldered connections, changed wire locations, and nothing. Can someone help me with this?
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@mikediv: Yes, the Graphics demo and the paint and calabrate will show on the screen, but I am not getting any touch.
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Prop Chip:: ::Break out Board J1 pin one is at the bottom with the board view from the top
J1 Pin-1 goes to ground
Prop-pin-29 goes to J1 SDA pin-2
prop-pin-28 goes to J1 SCL pin-3
**** J1 Gnd pin-4
**** J1 VDD pin-5 I connected this to the 3.3V output of the Prop chip
prop-pin-27 J1 IRQ pin-6
prop-pin-25 J1 PCLK pin-7
prop-pin-26 J1 DE pin-8
prop-pin-23 J1 R1 pin-9
prop-pin-22 J1 R0 pin-10
prop-pin-21 J1 G1 pin-11
prop-pin-20 J1 G0 pin-12
prop-pin-19 J1 B1 pin-13
prop-pin-18 J1 B0 pin-14
prop-pin-17 J1 Hsync pin-15
prop-pin-16 J1 Vsnyc pin-16
prop-pin-24 J1 DON pin-17
prop-pin-2 J1 BL pin-18
**** J1 Gnd pin-19
**** J1 VBL I tied this to the prop 3.3V output pin
Micro I put a scope on pin IRQ display board pin 6 and it does toggle like Ray said it would I am using his paint program
So I made a version of the Paint program, which does not use the IRQ pin.
See Attachement
If this not works, you should write some testcode, which prints out the values you get from the
I2C_driver methodes GetTouchX, GetTouchY and so on. When you touch the display the values must
change and you can see if the chip and connection works.
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TouchAdd = $4B 'Address of touchscreen controller
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Ray is there a link where people can purchase the screen?
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hence the toggle switch analogy.. But I am wondering if there is some way to say send an ascii character to a serial device so if I had touch me icon the Rays display and it was touched it could send "Hello" to a serial device . I am not trying to complicate this I am very new to all this and would like something more to happen to when the screen is touched????
Micro I am with Ray just see what that IRQ line is doing reading the post again I wonder if you did wound the board when you said you had switched pins?
Also I am sorry when I posted the pinouts I thought everyone had the same breakout boards it looks like mine is different I will post photo
Post Edited (mikediv) : 4/17/2010 4:30:29 PM GMT
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hope you have not wounded but the address will cause the problem you are having.
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@mctrivia: How would I fix an address error?
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