PPDB + sendSerialData to PC via rs232

i want sent "dummyDatas to the RS232-Port to an LinuxLaptop.
but the reader of laptop are hanging ??
and in the moment i don't no, which system makes the
please let me know whether my code is correct:
thanks for help, hints and tips
regards nomad
i want sent "dummyDatas to the RS232-Port to an LinuxLaptop.
but the reader of laptop are hanging ??
and in the moment i don't no, which system makes the
please let me know whether my code is correct:
thanks for help, hints and tips
regards nomad
name: serialsend_xx.spin dd. 15.04.2010 should do: 1) only send dummyDatas 16.04. - 1.online versuche - compile on ppdb: OK - run ppdb : ??? - run laptop : nok bleibt bei reader stehen ************************************************************************** } CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 Rx = 27 ''29 ''31 ' Tx = 30 ' baud = 9600 OBJ Serial : "Extended_FDSerial" VAR LONG myInput ' SerialInput {*************************************************************************} PUB Main Serial.Start(Rx,Tx,0,baud) repeat dummyDatas ' or this stuff ' Serial.str(String("$")) ' Serial.dec(111) ' Serial.str(String(":")) waitcnt(clkfreq / 10 + cnt) { myInput := Serial.rxDec ' receive bigNumbers as ServoCommands waitcnt(clkfreq / 10 + cnt) IF myInput == 1 QUIT IF myInput == 10 dummyDatas IF myInput > 10 Serial.dec(myinput) '' so ok with abfrage waitcnt(clkfreq / 10 + cnt) 'Serial.dec(myinput) '' so ok no abfrage 'waitcnt(clkfreq / 10 + cnt) } PUB dummyDatas ' dummyDatas are values from Compass & 7x Pings Serial.str(String("$")) Serial.dec(111) Serial.str(String(":")) Serial.dec(222) Serial.str(String(":")) Serial.dec(333) Serial.str(String(":")) Serial.dec(444) Serial.str(String(":")) Serial.dec(555) Serial.str(String(":")) Serial.dec(666) Serial.str(String(":")) Serial.dec(777) Serial.str(String(":")) Serial.SetDelimiter(13) waitcnt(clkfreq / 10 + cnt)
I tested your code on my PPDB and my WInodws Notebook.
This is working. So your code can be excluded as the source of the bug.
Now you have to narrow down the problem. Do you have two computers?
If yes try to send and receive between these two computers. If you link them direcly you have to use a null-modem-cable where pin2---pin3 and pin3---pin2 are connected crossover
If this is working you can exclude the laptop-com-port
of what kind of equipment did you build the serial connection? What are the parts that you use and how are they wired with each other?
best regards
Post Edited (StefanL38) : 4/16/2010 9:53:16 PM GMT
thanks for your answer,
i think to this is a problem with my linux-laptop
( i think, eventualy a timing problem)
when i transmit only number (no strings) its running verry good.
aka: linux send < 123 > to the ppdb then ppdb receive this data and sendback < 123 >
its ok - also i think the rs232-connection is ok
but now, i know that the propeller-spin-code is OK
the cabling should be ok.
thanks for your help
regards nomad