FT232 Propeller Reset Communication Issue
I am having trouble establishing any communication with my propeller chip through my FT232RL chip. I think all the connections are correct on the FTDI usb to serial converter but the connections between converter and propeller are the problem. I have set BOEn to Vss so that RESn has a weak 5K pullup to Vdd as specified in the documentation. I have tried to follow the guidelines of the demo board schematic in order to toggle the RESn line correctly but have run into trouble. After spicing my schematic (based off the demo board schematic) it looks like RESn won't be properly toggled. I replaced the 15K with a 100K as my spice model indicated.
If someone could point me in the right direction here as to what I need to do, I'd appreciate the help.
If someone could point me in the right direction here as to what I need to do, I'd appreciate the help.
The usual problem with resetting, when using the USB chip is that the LED's on the FT232 chip cause it to have a little power when it's not connected. This causes problems with the prop reset circuit. If you're getting power from the USB, you shouldn't have this problem.
Let me know if you need more info, or a copy of my schematic.