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Mystery Contest?!?!?



  • edited 2010-04-15 21:07
    @Irobot2: Ha! That's good!

    Post Edited (The Mystery Propellerhead) : 4/15/2010 9:13:11 PM GMT
  • VaatiVaati Posts: 712
    edited 2010-04-15 21:08
    Ha! it seems the mystery propeller head has given away another hint! Or has he... lol.gif

    MCU Projects·- my new site where I will be posting all projects, code, etc.

    Quit buying all those fixed voltage regulators, and·get an Adjustable Power Supply·for your projects!· Includes an LED testing terminal!

    SD Card Adapter·- Add extra memory to your next Propeller project with ease!
  • edited 2010-04-15 21:10
    Dang! Editing.....
  • VaatiVaati Posts: 712
    edited 2010-04-15 21:14
    So, the mystery propeller head is overseas.... At least that excludes me....

    MCU Projects·- my new site where I will be posting all projects, code, etc.

    Quit buying all those fixed voltage regulators, and·get an Adjustable Power Supply·for your projects!· Includes an LED testing terminal!

    SD Card Adapter·- Add extra memory to your next Propeller project with ease!
  • edited 2010-04-15 21:18
    You weren't supposed to tell them!
  • hover1hover1 Posts: 1,929
    edited 2010-04-15 21:20
    Well..I blew my two guesses. No joy.

    Are we allowed to say who it is not, or would that narrow it down too much?

  • pullmollpullmoll Posts: 817
    edited 2010-04-15 21:26
    Here's my guess: Cluso99 and the prize: propstick

    Pullmoll's Propeller Projects
  • edited 2010-04-15 21:51
    You are now allowed to say who it is not\

    @pullmoll: No. Neither is right.
  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2010-04-15 21:55
    The Mystery Propellerhead said...
    You are now allowed to say who it is not...

    Okay, it's NOT Phil Pilgrim. He understands digital fingerprinting AND how to use a spell checker! lol.gif

    Watching the world pass me by, one photon at a time.
  • hover1hover1 Posts: 1,929
    edited 2010-04-15 22:03
    OK..It's not Microcontrolled or Humanoido.
  • WBA ConsultingWBA Consulting Posts: 2,936
    edited 2010-04-15 23:08
    I wasn't able to narrow it down to anyone obvious with my clues, but using some deductive reasoning, I think I submitted a good guess.

    ps. In case you didn't know, you can click on the "Member List" icon in the upper right menu when logged in (next to search) and sort by number of posts to see where everyone stands in the posting "points". (related to one of my clues)

    Andrew Williams
    WBA Consulting
    WBA-TH1M Sensirion SHT11 Module
    Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunge, Mar 20, 2010
  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2010-04-16 00:28
    @whit who got a clue "I will reveal my clues one at a time. The second clue was to me. It said...2: I have commented that you are friendly"

    Well that is quite a useful clue. My clue was that Mr Mystery had never commented on my discussion thread. That narrows it down to, hmmm, 19,176 minus 1 (me) minus 1 (Mr Mystery who has a dual identity now)= 19,174 people! I'm still in the running. I'll have it down to 10,000 very soon...

      until mrmystery found


    Post Edited (Dr_Acula) : 4/16/2010 12:36:37 AM GMT
  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    edited 2010-04-16 00:31
    The last clue that I got was...

    1: My original sig included "Thank you for reading!"

    I am completely stumped! Edit - My second guess is in the mail and I expect to be toast shortly!


    "We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney

    Post Edited (Whit) : 4/16/2010 12:43:56 AM GMT
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2010-04-16 00:46
    I've seen that quote before [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    May the road rise to meet you; may the sun shine on your back.
    May you create something useful, even if it's just a hack.
  • edited 2010-04-16 00:49
    Jazzed was one of the first to help me, so he knows that line......... smile.gif
  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    edited 2010-04-16 01:00
    Put some jelly on me - I am officially toast!

    Two guesses and out... The Mystery remains...

    This has been really fun! Thanks Mystery Prophead.


    "We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
  • mparkmpark Posts: 1,307
    edited 2010-04-16 01:03
    Vaati said...
    Actually, mpark doesn't seem to have commented at all, and posted only the first comment... Very suspicious...

    No, it's not me. I wish I could be so clever/devious.

    Sorry for not posting in the sandbox, and sorry to the folks who feel left out.
  • edited 2010-04-16 01:10
    mpark, you know that you had the best clue set of anyone, yet you have not even given a guess. (If you do, do so through email or PM, please)

    To those who have lost: I will show myself at one of the Prop expos, then everyone will know who I am. Until then, good luck! After this is over I will still show up from time to time, just to remind you. Good luck to all!

    The Mystery Propellerhead
  • mparkmpark Posts: 1,307
    edited 2010-04-16 01:12
    Btw, these are the clues I received:
    The Mystery Propellerhead said...

    1: I have met you in person
    2: I have praised every program you have written

    #2 can't be strictly true 'cuz some of my programs weren't praised by anyone!
    So I'm at a loss.

    I'm terrible at this!
  • edited 2010-04-16 01:22
    All the one's I saw published, then
  • BradCBradC Posts: 2,601
    edited 2010-04-16 01:31
    The Mystery Propellerhead said...

    1: I have over 1,000 posts
    2: You have insulted me before
    3: I don't use Linux
    You only ever need two tools in life. If it moves and it shouldn't use Duct Tape. If it does not move and it should use WD40.
  • edited 2010-04-16 01:36
    I suggest the reason you didn't guess is because one of my clues was: "You have insulted me before"? That's all I could think of. And besides, when you did, it was my fault. nono.gif

    Or perhaps it was the "I don't use linux" wink.gif
  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2010-04-16 01:36
    This is fun. It reminds me of Darpa's Balloon Challenge.
    Except there's a jealousy factor: the out-crowd might actually share information with the in-crowd just to get revenge whereas if all were allowed to be participants and there were no "chosen ones", then data sharing might be dampened, etc.! lol.gif

    There's also this to consider:[noparse][[/noparse]url]
    You can run a contest, but you can not hide. tongue.gif
  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2010-04-16 01:45
    @ whit "Put some jelly on me - I am officially toast!" LOL

    But we all know you are just trying to butter him up.

    Actually, speaking of breakfast, I seem to have missed out on that. For some strange reason I slept in this morning.

    Re ElectricAye"... then data sharing might be dampened", I have a feeling there is much data dampening already going on over the last 4 pages. Obfuscation. Fake information. Fake clues. People who know more than they let on trying to throw others off the scent.

    All I know is that mr mystery told me that the prize was something I already have in my parts box, so I'm looking forward to receiving my 10k resistor in the mail very shortly *grin*. Mr mystery, if you are listening, I'll be expecting that bonus 1 inch length of solder as well!

    Now, back to looking at my clues...


    Post Edited (Dr_Acula) : 4/16/2010 1:52:10 AM GMT
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2010-04-16 02:04
    Firstly, it is not me.

    One of my clues said he/she was under 45. I noted above someone was told he/she was under 50, so here is a little more help.
    I wasted one of my clues after a little more research.

    I was given a clue about the number of OBEX items posted by the Mystery person. I now have a list of OBEX items and posters.

    Attached is a list of OBEX items cool.gif

    Links to other interesting threads:

    · Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBlade,·RamBlade,·SixBlade, website
    · Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
    · Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
    · Emulators: CPUs Z80 etc; Micros Altair etc;· Terminals·VT100 etc; (Index) ZiCog (Z80) , MoCog (6809)·
    · Prop OS: SphinxOS·, PropDos , PropCmd··· Search the Propeller forums·(uses advanced Google search)
    My cruising website is: ··· MultiBlade Props:
  • hover1hover1 Posts: 1,929
    edited 2010-04-16 02:12
    If I had a list of UPENE 2009 attendees, that would have narrowed it down for me.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2010-04-16 03:03
    There is another clue above (a midday posting)... He/she is on the same time zone as California, so West Coast USA or Canada.

    Links to other interesting threads:

    · Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBlade,·RamBlade,·SixBlade, website
    · Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
    · Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
    · Emulators: CPUs Z80 etc; Micros Altair etc;· Terminals·VT100 etc; (Index) ZiCog (Z80) , MoCog (6809)·
    · Prop OS: SphinxOS·, PropDos , PropCmd··· Search the Propeller forums·(uses advanced Google search)
    My cruising website is: ··· MultiBlade Props:
  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2010-04-16 04:13
    Well, I know who it is, and of course, won't tell [noparse]:)[/noparse] One guess too. Got my Smile kicked on the second mystery though. Total smack the head moment!

    That is what some of you are going to do, when you get it sorted.

    Propeller Wiki: Share the coolness!
    8x8 color 80 Column NTSC Text Object
    Safety Tip: Life is as good as YOU think it is!
  • HollyMinkowskiHollyMinkowski Posts: 1,398
    edited 2010-04-16 05:02
    Here is the pm I sent to the mystery person...
    Of course I was totally wrong. But these are some
    more clues and it at least eliminated 1 person and 1
    possible prize.

    1: I have over 1,000 posts
    2: I have had 3 avatars over the course of my forum membership
    3: I have one interesting fact about me that you said you wish YOU had

    1: This is a highly desired thing on the forum
    2: It is almost always abbreviated to avoid spelling the full name
    3: EVERY single person on the Propeller forum says that this is the most usefull thing in their box.

    erco, is that you!?

    I'm guessing it's you since you have over a 1000 posts and I once said I wished I had two
    cute baby girls like you have smile.gif

    No idea how many avatars you have had though.

    as to the prize I can only think of a prop dev board...everyone wants one and
    always uses the abbreviation ppdb.

    Post Edited (HollyMinkowski) : 4/16/2010 5:09:55 AM GMT
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2010-04-16 06:08
    Here are my clues...

    1: I am under 45 years of age
    2: I have over 2 objects in the OBEX
    3: I have PM'ed you in the past
    4: I have never posted on any of your multipaged threads

    After my first wrong guess·I downloaded all the OBEX and sorted them. I downloaded all PM's received (although I have deleted a few). I then correlated them to a select few. There are too many of my multipage threads to download who posted to them so I have taken a guess at this.

    I am waiting on the results of my second guess but I still suspect I am wrong.

    As for the prize...

    1: This is a highly desired thing on the forum
    2: It is almost always abbreviated to avoid spelling the full name
    3: EVERY single person on the Propeller forum says that this is the most usefull thing in their box.

    We obviously have one of these already, according to 3. What do we all have??? I have an idea smilewinkgrin.gif but time will tell.

    Links to other interesting threads:

    · Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBlade,·RamBlade,·SixBlade, website
    · Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
    · Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
    · Emulators: CPUs Z80 etc; Micros Altair etc;· Terminals·VT100 etc; (Index) ZiCog (Z80) , MoCog (6809)·
    · Prop OS: SphinxOS·, PropDos , PropCmd··· Search the Propeller forums·(uses advanced Google search)
    My cruising website is: ··· MultiBlade Props:
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