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Watchdog with NE555 — Parallax Forums

Watchdog with NE555

jmspaggijmspaggi Posts: 629
edited 2010-04-17 19:15 in General Discussion
Hi there,

I'm trying to build a watchdog with the components.

With 2 NE555 and some BC547 transistor, I'm able to have one output which stay at 1 as long as the input is swtitching from 5 to 0 and then back to 5 in less than a minute.

I built that because I have already 50 NE555 unsused waiting for my on my desk [noparse];)[/noparse]

My concerne is when the output move to 0. I will reset the controller, but the output will stay at 0 until the software start to actiave the pin. But since I'm resetting, the pin stat will never change. Catch 22...

So I'm looking for a solution to have a pulse to 0 when the output move to 0.


1 ------+                             +-------
        |                             |
0       +----------------------------+

1 ------+  +------------------------------
        |  |
0       +--+

Any clue how I can do that? Maybe with a capacitor? But how? The pulse don't need to be long. But after that, it should not pulse again until Output come back from 1 to 0.




  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    edited 2010-04-14 21:46
    Sounds like you need one wired as a missing pulse detector, and have that feeding a second one wired as a monostable. The other option is to have the one wired as a missing pulse detector and feed the output through a capacitor so the edge of the 555 transition produces the reset pulse. You should find both the missing pulse detection and monostable circuits in the data sheet.
  • jmspaggijmspaggi Posts: 629
    edited 2010-04-15 00:45
    I give up [noparse];)[/noparse]

    I tried all day and all evening long and was not able to build it. I think I will simply buy a watchdog component and keep my NE555 for another so good idea [noparse];)[/noparse]

  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2010-04-17 19:04

    Now I'm confused.... wouldn't OUTPUT and RESULT be considered the same thing?

    If the RESULT is indeed the desired result you want from the OUTPUT, then there is a simple capacitor solution in mind that might work for you.

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.
  • jmspaggijmspaggi Posts: 629
    edited 2010-04-17 19:15
    Hi Beau,

    I think a simple capacitor will have been a good idea, but my electronic knowledge is not good enought even to do that. So I bought some MAX6301 instead and everything is now working fine.

    Initialy, the goal was to have RESULT pulsing low when and only when OUTPUT was going low.

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