RFID Reader and Motion Sensor Conflict
Hi everyone,
The code below is trying to read an RFID card but when it's not active, or reading we want a motion sensor to be scanning as well. We think the issue is
so when we have an infinite loop with that included it's still waiting for that 10 bit string. It's stopping there and not continuing with a GOSUB or anything else.
We haven't found anything that would allow us to run both at the same time, and we're stuck. Any help?
P.S. We were working with the DIRS registry, but we have no idea how it works.
Post Edited (blindpiggy) : 4/14/2010 5:30:41 PM GMT
The code below is trying to read an RFID card but when it's not active, or reading we want a motion sensor to be scanning as well. We think the issue is
SERIN RX, T2400, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT($0A), STR buf\10] ' wait for hdr + ID
so when we have an infinite loop with that included it's still waiting for that 10 bit string. It's stopping there and not continuing with a GOSUB or anything else.
We haven't found anything that would allow us to run both at the same time, and we're stuck. Any help?
P.S. We were working with the DIRS registry, but we have no idea how it works.
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]------------------------------------------------- Enable PIN 11 ' low = reader on RX PIN 10 ' serial from reader LED0 PIN 0 LED1 PIN 1 Motion1 PIN 12 ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]------------------------------------------------------- #SELECT $STAMP #CASE BS2, BS2E, BS2PE T2400 CON 396 #CASE BS2SX, BS2P T2400 CON 1021 #CASE BS2PX T2400 CON 1646 #ENDSELECT Baud CON T2400 LastTag CON 2 #DEFINE __No_SPRAM = ($STAMP < BS2P) ' does module have SPRAM? Number_of_Tags CON 2 ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]------------------------------------------------------- #IF __No_SPRAM #THEN buf VAR Byte(10) ' RFID bytes buffer #ELSE Char VAR Byte ' character to test #ENDIF tagNum VAR Nib ' from EEPROM table idx VAR Byte ' tag byte index is_Here VAR Byte ' 1=Here or 0=Gone for if the person is here tag VAR Byte 'Tags Present people VAR Byte 'People in there is_Tag1 VAR Byte '1=Present or 0=Gone is_Tag2 VAR Byte '1=Present or 0=Gone 'Array VAR Byte(10) counter VAR Byte 'inMotion VAR Byte ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]------------------------------------------------------- 'LET DIRS=$00000010 ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] EEPROM Data ]----------------------------------------------------- Tag1 DATA "17008150F5" ' valid tags Tag2 DATA "1700BD3AE7" Reset: is_Here = 0 LOW LED0 LOW LED1 people = 0 is_Tag1 = 0 is_Tag2 = 0 idx = 0 inMotion = 1 FOR counter = 0 TO 9 buf(counter) = 0 NEXT ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Program Code ]---------------------------------------------------- Main: LOW Enable ' activate the reader #IF __No_SPRAM #THEN SERIN RX, T2400, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT($0A), STR buf\10] ' wait for hdr + ID #ELSE SERIN RX, T2400, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT($0A), SPSTR 10] #ENDIF HIGH Enable ' deactivate reader Check_List: FOR tagNum = 1 TO Number_of_Tags ' scan through known tags FOR idx = 0 TO 9 ' scan bytes in tag READ (tagNum - 1 * 10 + idx), buf ' get tag data from table IF (buf <> buf(idx)) THEN Bad_Char ' compare tag to table NEXT GOTO Person_Found ' all bytes match! Bad_Char: GOTO Main NEXT Person_Found: 'FOR idx = 0 TO 9 FOR idx = 0 TO 9 ' scan bytes in tag READ (idx), buf ' get tag data from table IF (buf <> buf(idx)) THEN Next_For ' compare tag to table NEXT GOTO Person_Found1 Next_For: FOR idx = 0 TO 9 ' scan bytes in tag READ (10+idx), buf ' get tag data from table IF (buf <> buf(idx)) THEN Bad_Char ' compare tag to table NEXT GOTO Person_Found2 Person_Found1: IF (is_Tag1 = 0) THEN people = people+1 is_Tag1 = is_Tag1+1 DEBUG " IF 1 Tag1" DEBUG buf(idx) ELSEIF (is_Tag1 = 1) THEN people= people-1 is_Tag1 = is_Tag1-1 DEBUG " IF 2 Tag1" DEBUG buf(idx) ENDIF IF (people > 0) THEN GOSUB TURN_MOTION_ON ELSE GOSUB TURN_LED_OFF ENDIF GOTO Main Person_Found2: IF (is_Tag2 = 0) THEN people= people+1 is_Tag2 = is_Tag2+1 DEBUG " IF 3 Tag2" DEBUG buf(idx) ELSEIF (is_Tag2 = 1) THEN people= people-1 is_Tag2 = is_Tag2-1 DEBUG " IF 4 Tag2" DEBUG buf(idx) ENDIF IF (people > 0) THEN GOSUB TURN_MOTION_ON ELSE GOSUB TURN_LED_OFF ENDIF GOTO Main 'Tag_Found: ' IF (is_Here = 0) THEN ' GOSUB TURN_SERVO_ON ' is_Here = is_Here+1 ' GOTO Main ' ' ELSEIF (is_Here = 1) THEN ' GOSUB TURN_SERVO_OFF ' is_Here = is_Here-1 ' GOTO Main ' ' ENDIF END 'FOR DEBUGGING TAG ENTRIES 'Display_Tag: ' DEBUG "Tag Identification number is: ", CR ' FOR idx = 0 TO 9 ' scan bytes in tag ' ' #IF __No_SPRAM #THEN ' DEBUG buf(idx) ' #ELSE ' GET idx, Char ' read char from SPRAM ' DEBUG Char ' #ENDIF ' NEXT ' DEBUG CR ' PAUSE 500 ' GOTO main ' repeats code TURN_LED_ON: HIGH LED0 HIGH LED1 LET Motion1 = LED0 PAUSE 300 RETURN TURN_LED_OFF: LOW LED0 LOW LED1 PAUSE 300 RETURN TURN_MOTION_ON: DEBUG BIN1 IN12 PAUSE 300 RETURN
Post Edited (blindpiggy) : 4/14/2010 5:30:41 PM GMT
- Stephen
I hope this helps
Pick_One:···················································· ' Look at ByPass Switch to see if pushed
····························································· ' If NOT then go to Card Readers if card
····························································· ' readers are NOT activated then loop
'SEROUT CommPin, BaudValue, [noparse][[/noparse]CLRP]··························· ' Clears any prior position info
LOW· H25_Fan················································· ' Turn OFF Cooling Fan
DEBUG " Pick_One" ,CR
IF ByPass_Switch = 1 THEN···································· ' This input is the ByPass switch
IF Home_Switch·· = 0 THEN···································· ' This is the HOME INPUT SWICH on the
GOSUB Backwards·············································· ' gate opener arm retracked postion switch
GOSUB Forwards
·· LOW Enable1······················································ ' activate the reader - 1
·DEBUG "Reader1"
··· SERIN RX1, T2400, 150, Reader2, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT($0A), STR buf\10]········· ' wait for hdr + ID
··· SERIN RX1, T2400, 150, Reader2, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT($0A), SPSTR 10]
· HIGH Enable1······················································ ' deactivate reader - 1
· PAUSE 200
·· GOTO Check_List
· LOW Enable2······················································· ' activate the reader - 2
· DEBUG "Reader2"
··· SERIN RX2, T2400, 150, Pick_One, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT($0A), STR buf\10]········· ' wait for hdr + ID
··· #ELSE
··· SERIN RX2, T2400, 150, Pick_One, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT($0A), SPSTR 10]
· HIGH Enable2······················································ ' deactivate reader - 2
· PAUSE 200
·GOTO Check_List
··Thanks for any·