900 MHz Wireless Modems
Have any of you had any experience with MaxStreams (Digi) 900 MHz
XTend-PKG modems. ? They advertise 1 watt output @ 125 Kbits/sec.
XTend-PKG modems. ? They advertise 1 watt output @ 125 Kbits/sec.
I haven't used the MAXSTREAM Products , But I do use the AEROCOMM ( LAIRD TECHNOLOGIES ) Products
I have used the AC4490-1000M, with great success.
you can get them from here,
It is 1 watt, I have written a lot of code ( to interface to many of its features )
It will connect directly to the prop at 3.3 volts, you may wish to use a separate 3.3v LDO
Dave M
Interesting product and small, what kind of range do you get at 115 Kbits/sec ?
One advantage to the xtend is that you can buy a complete product that is ready to set in a customers location, where you will have to package the above in your own solution. However, the cost is much cheaper on the above referenced units. I would like to know about them, if they are reliable.
One of the reasons we like XTend is the nicely packaged base station, we really only need to go a mile or so but don't want to fool around with fancy antennas.
We also evaluated there XStream units but they didn't have the range or data rate we need. What kinda range do you get from XTend with the rubber duck @ 115 Kbits ?
I looked at the Laird unit above which is interesting and also evaluated RFM's DNT900 which has some cool features, PWM's, D-A's & I/O but no packaged base station.
Post Edited (BigFoot) : 4/13/2010 7:33:48 PM GMT
If your situation is a FIXED, POINT TO POINT, I suggest a DIRECTIONAL ANTENNA ( YAGI Style or similar ) not OMNI.
I use the AEROCOMM in a mobile "adhoc" harsh environment, so we need to use omni-directional antennas, One that we use that has a hi gain is from here..
I also use the RSSI feature and display a BAR GRAPH on a small lcd, this gives me REALTIME indication of signal strength and reliability.
Another thing, if you choose Aerocomm, you can ask me for some code that might help you out. I can post this here.
Dave M
They use the systems for selling food at sports events, hot dogs at football games and stuff like that.
The I-Com unit is a nice antenna, a lot of gain and the price is the same as the smaller ones. I am going to try these with the
XTend units.
keep in mind these aerocomm units can operate in POINT TO POINT ( Client - Server ), Point to Multipoint ( both using addressed packets, and broadcast packets)
I wouldn't worry about the input buffer, If you use the standard fullduplexserial object I think from memory it has only a 16byte buffer, I have modified this object to take 128 bytes?, I thought I had a an issue with the buffer in one of my applications, But the "SERVER should really try to read and process any data receive as quickly as possible, The "CLIENTS should not transmit so much data unless the SERVER CAN ACCEPT it either, you should also send small packets and send acknowledgements back before any CLIENT can send more data!
You should have a cog ( continually running) that receives all the data from the buffer , then you can store the messages , say in an array of strings and process them when the server has time, now depending on the message , priority can be given to what kind of data should be processed, remember with the RAM in the eeprom and the PROP CHIP , this should serve as your LARGER BUFFER!
What kind of messages/data are you sending?
How big is the data packet/message?
RE: If the server goes down,
If you work out what messages you are sending, for example are you sending just TRANSACTION HISTORY, or do the clients need "AUTHORISATION" from the SERVER to do their stuff?
If its transaction history , then I would save this at each clients unit, and then send the history back to the server when there is sufficient time & "space in the buffer" to do so.
I guess that the SERVER would be controlling each client when they should transmit, Similar to an RS485 network situation.
please note I have only used these modems in POINT TO POINT, But I do have a BIG Project soon this year that will be complex, .i.e one server controlling MANY clients, This should be fun!
Dave M
This would make the system reliant on the server, even in point to point, if I understand what it is saying.
Some of the outlying units are transmitting a 300-400 byte string, there is no way to change how they operate.
Firstly can you show me an example of the string your are sending?
Can the string be broken up into smaller messages?, It would be easier to manage, if there is a dropout, you would only have to resend part of the message and not the whole large string again.
You have to ask yourself what is the purpose of the SERVER, does it serve as an AUTHORISATION point?, or a transaction history collector?
Do you have to send the data from the CLIENT's straight away, or can this be saved and then sent later,
I believe you can have more than one server if you assign different CHANNEL NUMBERS and I think you need to utilise the SYNC to channel feature. ( I have ot used it this way YET!)
Dave M
This makes it more difficult!
Are you interfacing to these units with your own choice of modem & a PROPELLER interface? I would do this as I have interfaced an AEROCOMM MODEM with a serial device directly ( no propeller board) and I had issues with scrambled data, I believe it was the buffer in the serial device. I then used a PROPELLER Interface with the modem, All my data corruption's were eliminated, as I could control the "DATAFLOW" much better. Although this will cost a bit more. I would make BOTH the SERVER & CLIENT units using the same CODE & BOARD ASSY, Its much easier to develop this way.
This would be the only way to manage all the data flying around.
You would need to get hold of any info for the UNITS if you can. There must be some kind of specification for the message data?
Dave M