TV or VGA object capable of attributed characters?

I searched through OBEX to see if I could find an object doing either TV (NTSC and PAL) or VGA output with a separate attribute per character. Just think CGA (or EGA, VGA) combined char/attribute values in a word - or perhaps also separated byte / word if the attributes are more than 8 bits. Is this too much for the propeller to handle (at reasonable character resolutions), or is it the memory footprint why it seems that no one has written such a thing yet?
The reason I ask is I have written / am writing a fully-fledged VT100 emulation in PASM LMM and need an output capable of displaying the attributes and / or the colors.
Pullmoll's Propeller Projects
The reason I ask is I have written / am writing a fully-fledged VT100 emulation in PASM LMM and need an output capable of displaying the attributes and / or the colors.
Pullmoll's Propeller Projects
A generalized attribute mechanism is both too much for the Prop to handle at reasonable display resolutions and too memory intensive. The video generator is quite limited in terms of attribute generation and it's just not reasonable to burden a video driver with trying to map a richer environment onto the more limited Propeller environment.
Ok, I've seen that with a 6x9/10/12 font I didn't have enough time to do characters alone, not to talk about inverse video, and had to resort to combining 4 characters to 24 pixel frames. I think this won't change with 8 pixel wide characters and higher horz. resolution, as the time (prop cycles) per scanline remains the same.
I looked into the VGA_Hires_Text object's source and must admit that I understood next to nothing, except that it generates the code to display an entire scanline (or even 2 of them?) in the lower part of the cog memory. That was the point when I gave up trying to understand what the code actually does. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I guess that Chip's other drivers are not much easier to grok then...
Pullmoll's Propeller Projects
On TV, my potatotext driver will do 80 characters, they are 8x8, and can have colors. Any two colors per character cell. Link in my signature. One could drop a VGA font in there, and have everything, but the underline. It's got full interlace display for 80 columns on TV, and a pseudo-interlace that will generally do 64 on most devices. If you want, it operates mono as well. For 80 column multi-color, you need 96 Mhz or more; otherwise, it runs at 64.
Propeller Wiki: Share the coolness!
8x8 color 80 Column NTSC Text Object
Safety Tip: Life is as good as YOU think it is!
Post Edited (potatohead) : 4/12/2010 3:29:03 PM GMT
I can't get that one to sync on my PAL monitor. Not sure if I have the VCFG wrong, because the DracBlade of course isn't autodetected...
This is what I used after commenting out the auto detection.
Pullmoll's Propeller Projects
What pins are you using for video? I can double check this in a bit.
Propeller Wiki: Share the coolness!
8x8 color 80 Column NTSC Text Object
Safety Tip: Life is as good as YOU think it is!
this one claims to do VGA ANSI:
I have not tested ANSI capabilities at all, only tried briefly as terminal for RamBlade.
- It requires 64KB EEPROM - or will do funny things with charset...
- the VGA driver it's a mod of VGA Hires Text, but for the life of me I cannot get it to sync at 640x480... only 800x600 and 1024x768 (too much chars
- The complete thing·will eat most if not all COGs. Which is understandable considering that it's intended as a standalone terminal. Anyway, peeking at source it seems to me that while it's·a quite complete emulation, it uses·a bit too much PASM·(IMHO), even in higher levels where it could be simply done in spin.