Questions to Sphinx: My program leads to sphinx crashing. - Solved
Hi, can someone please give me some hints?
I try to read the file test.dat with the Program firead.spn.
At the beginning of its lines, there is a number, that shall be read into a long.
The rest of each line is a text and this shall be read into a string buffer with zero end.
The file is produced by the editor ed.
1. What is the line end code(s) for Sphinx?
2. Is there a possibility to read the next byte of the file buffer, but to give it back to the buffer?
3. Why does sphinx crash (at least the keyboard driver) after doing my program?
4. What must I do to protect the drivers?
5. Has anyone got the isxkb.spn file?
Thank you very much.
Post Edited (Christof Eb.) : 4/11/2010 7:38:12 PM GMT
I try to read the file test.dat with the Program firead.spn.
At the beginning of its lines, there is a number, that shall be read into a long.
The rest of each line is a text and this shall be read into a string buffer with zero end.
The file is produced by the editor ed.
1. What is the line end code(s) for Sphinx?
2. Is there a possibility to read the next byte of the file buffer, but to give it back to the buffer?
3. Why does sphinx crash (at least the keyboard driver) after doing my program?
4. What must I do to protect the drivers?
5. Has anyone got the isxkb.spn file?
Thank you very much.
Post Edited (Christof Eb.) : 4/11/2010 7:38:12 PM GMT
I don't know why Sphinx is crashing. I'll look into it soon. (The PropBasic incompatibility is still on my list too. Sorry for the delay.)
Meanwhile, try changing firead.spn to test for CR followed by LF:
There's no way currently to give a byte back to the file buffer. I think you could add some sort of "unget" to sxfile.
I wondered, if something special has to be done to protect the rendevous area?
Your Sphinx gives such a great new area of possibilities to run a minimal propeller computer as stand alone! Sorry please, that I am some kind of demanding without paying for nothing....
Best regards, Christof
Sphinx is free and worth every penny [noparse]:)[/noparse] I'm just glad you're getting some use out of it.