BS2 Accuracy
Posts: 11
Hi, I am running into trouble with the sensitivity of sensors. I have the LM34 with a converter working on the BS2, however I am having trouble detecting small (& quick) changes in temperature. Perhaps the LM34 is physically limited for what I am trying to do, or maybe it is the software unable to adequately handle the tiny changes in voltage?
I would love to know if this is simply a LM34 limit or a BS2 limit.
Thanks in advance!
I would love to know if this is simply a LM34 limit or a BS2 limit.
Thanks in advance!
Speed is a different issue, depending on mounting and limited by the thermal mass of the LM24 package. How "quick" are you talking about?
Tracy Allen
For speed, I wanted to see a change in temperature within or less than 1 second. I know there is a time constant of 10 seconds or so in air but since I'm not interested in the accuracy only the change, I thought this approach might work.
So I am now wondering about the Limitations of the LM34 with the information above, and the Resolution limitations of the BS2.
Do remember that, even though the resolution may be on the order of a mV, your actual accuracy depends on the stability of your power supply and the amount of noise on the power supply and around the ADC and temperature sensor.
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
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Am I missing something from the process pdf that still might help?
Thanks again in advance.
- Rick
Post Edited (RDL2004) : 4/30/2010 5:55:09 AM GMT
Quick response is another thing. The TO92 case does have a thermal time lag that will not keep up well with small quick changes on the order of less than a second. For that you would need a tiny thermistor or a thermocouple. What are you measuring?
Tracy Allen
Tracy, I'm measuring small quick changes in temperature. I understand there are other sensors to detect similar changes in surroundings, but I'm currently focusing on temp. Accuracy of the actual temperature is irrelevant, only the delta. Thermistor or thermocouple.. what do you suggest? I found the thermocouple kit on parallax for 35$ But I would like something far cheaper.
Are you measuring in gas, liquid or solid?
Tracy Allen
I'm testing in gas, but I'd like to put the sensor in water, but I guess the time constant will increase in liquid? It doesn't need to be lightning fast (though it would be nice), I just want to know where the limit is for an affordable price.