PIC, PICAXE and BS2???
Posts: 281
Hi, i know that that (most) bs2 modules use a PIC microcontroller. I have looked up the PIC and seen it many times, and i was wondering, can the other pic modules·be programed with the basic stamp editor? and if·they can't, is the languge they are programed in the same as the BS2 is programed in? just wsithout the parallax fancy editor? and lastly, what is the difference between the PICAXE and the PIC?·are they both programmed the same? I've been looking at PICAXE 8 pin chips and noticed that would be great for small small micro projects and for helping the BS2 and propeller out in large scale applications. If anyone knows about the PIC and PICAXE or any resources, boards or breakout boards please post them!
"When the government is afraid of the people there is liberty, when the people are afraid of the government, there is tryanny"
· Thomas Jefferson
"When the government is afraid of the people there is liberty, when the people are afraid of the government, there is tryanny"
· Thomas Jefferson
No they cannot. And, if I understand correctly (and I'll be corrected if I am wrong), the PICs on the Basic Stamps are already programed with Parallax's secret code. The BS2 editor does not 'program' the PIC, it compiles your PBASIC program into a code that is loaded onto the EEPROM. The proprietary program running on the PIC then runs the code in the EEPROM.
If you want to program a PIC using BASIC there is a program called PIC Basic Pro, but believe me, it is not as easy to use as the Basic Stamp editor.
Rich H
The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.
Because this is a Parallax support forum, you won't find a lot of support information about competing products. I've used PIC Basic Pro. It's a well done product. These days, I'd use a Propeller ... much easier to use.
"When the government is afraid of the people there is liberty, when the people are afraid of the government, there is tryanny"
· Thomas Jefferson
and the equivalent for AVRs is:
You can download the data sheets from the Microchip and Atmel web sites, as well as development software including free compilers. Microchip even gives away free sample chips.
Leon Heller
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
"When the government is afraid of the people there is liberty, when the people are afraid of the government, there is tryanny"
· Thomas Jefferson
I also like these sites:
You can also purchase PICAXE products from sparkfun.com
"When the government is afraid of the people there is liberty, when the people are afraid of the government, there is tryanny"
· Thomas Jefferson
“How much of human life is lost in waiting.” Ralph Waldo Emerson"
and then you can grow it from there with adc and serial comms, bigger chips etc.
Programming requires two resistors and is done via a serial port. Software is free and the business model is similar to the propeller, ie a clever chip preprogrammed with smarts and free programming software. (This is different to the raw PIC model where the chip is cheaper but unprogrammed and you generally have to pay for the programming software for your preferred language).
My personal two favourite chips are the propeller and the picaxe. Even though they are from different companies/countries I think they complement each other rather well.
Hey, Logan996. the programming software is free to use and very easy to install. You will need 1. A picaxe chip( i would get the 20X2, as it is very fast, up to 64mhz, and it has 4 kilobytes of program space, all for $6.00 at sparkfun. 2. you will need the usb programing cable. This is where it starts getting slightly more interesting. The cable costs almost $30.00, but it will enable you to program all the chips. 3. you will need a stereo headphone jack to plug into the usb cable. you will have to solder leads to the jack to make it more usable. 4. you will need the software, Which as stated above is free. 5. misc. stuff like power source, breadboard, some leds, resistors, etc..
What i do, instead of using the phone jack setup, is to cut off the actual connetor of the cable and solder hook up wires directly to the other wires. You will need to solder the yellow, orange and black ones to get it to work. This setup is much easier, because you can directly plug the hook up wires in, instead of having to use the annoying head phone jack.
The cool thing about picaxe is that you don't need to buy a special programming device. All you need is the cable and a couple resistors. Of course you got get a whole kit setup like this
All in all the picaxe is an great choice. It stomps out the basic stamp in every way, but is not nearly as cool as the propeller.