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Exchanging data between two props

teddypteddyp Posts: 14
edited 2010-04-09 12:46 in Propeller 1
As the topic says, I'm currently trying to exchange some data from a master prop to a slave prop (ran out of cogs). I've downloaded the inter-prop communication object and the modified serial object from the forums and am having no luck with them whatsoever. I'm definitely not grasping some concept here. If I put some dummy data in say...
  TX(@DataOut)              'Transmit Data Packet

shouldnt it send it out? I'm getting nothing at the receiving side. I'm not worried about speed, and my main loop is updating every second, so is there an easier way to send a set of numbers, say the time in military (HHMMSS-> 171832) from one prop to the other? Can I just initialize full duplex serial on both cogs and push data through somehow that way? Below is the code I've altered slightly. Thanks in advance.

Full Code Master
CON                                                     'Constant definition block
  _clkmode        = xtal1 + pll16x                      'Using PLL, set frequency to 80MHz
  _xinfreq        = 5_000_000                           'Input Crystal frequency. Dev board is 5MHz
  TX_Pin        = 11
  PacketSize    = 1024          '<- Number of Packet Longs to transmit ; 1 Long = 32 data Bits
OBJ                                                     'Object definition block
  display         : "TV_Text"                           'Reference TV_Text object                                               
  long    DataOut[noparse][[/noparse]PacketSize]                   'Variable definition block
PUB Main

  display.start(12)                                     'Start display on pin 12
  display.out(CLS)                                      'Clear screen
  display.str(string("Serial test"))                    'test
  WaitCnt(cnt + clkfreq*2)                              'delay
  display.out(CLS)                                      'Clearscreen

   repeat                                               'Repeat forever
     TX(@DataOut)              'Transmit Data Packet               
     waitcnt(cnt + clkfreq)                             'Wait one clock cycle and repeat
'     waitcnt(cnt + clkfreq * 2)                         'Wait 2 clock cycles and repeat

PUB TX(_DataOut)
    cognew(@TX_Propeller_COM,_DataOut)                     'Send Data
TX_Propeller_COM        org

              mov       TX_PinMask,             #1         'Create Pin Mask for Input/Output pin
              shl       TX_PinMask,             #TX_Pin
              andn      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Preset Pin LOW
              or        dira,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin an Output LOW
              mov       DataIndex,              par        'Read Data Location into DataIndex
LoadData      rdlong    Buff,                   DataIndex  'Read Data Value from Indexed location
              add       DataIndex,              #4         'Increment Index value              
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              or        outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH (50nS)         SYNC
              andn      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin LOW  (50nS)         SYNC
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              rol       Buff,                   #1   wc    'Read Buff Bit31 into "C" ; Rotate Buff left by 1
              muxc      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin HIGH or LOW (100nS)  DATA
              andn      outa,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin LOW (750nS)
              djnz      DataSamples,            #LoadData  'Check to see if there are more data samples
              andn      dira,                   TX_PinMask 'Make Pin an Input                                                                 
              cogid     temp                               'Get this COG ID
              cogstop   temp                               'STOP this COG
'initialized variables
DataSamples   long      PacketSize

'un-initialized variables
DataIndex     long      0
Buff          long      0

'aliased variables
TX_PinMask    long      0

Full Code slave
CON                                                     'Constant definition block
  _clkmode        = xtal1 + pll16x                      'Using PLL, set frequency to 80MHz
  _xinfreq        = 5_000_000                           'Input Crystal frequency. Dev board is 5MHz
  CLS             = $0                                  'Clear screen
  RX_Pin          = 3

  PacketSize      = 1024          '<- Number of Packet Longs to receive ; 1 Long = 32 data Bits
OBJ                                                     'Object definition block
  display         : "TV_Text"                           'Reference TV_Text object                                               
VAR                                                     'Variable definition block                                
  long   rcvddata                                  
  long   DataIn[noparse][[/noparse]PacketSize],ReadyFlag  '<-ReadyFlag must follow immediately after the Data
PUB Main  | rx_buff, i, seed, v
  display.start(12)                                     'Start display on pin 12
  display.out(CLS)                                      'Clear screen
  displayString(1,3, string("serial comm test"))
  WaitCnt(cnt + clkfreq)                              'delay some
  rcvddata := RX(@DataIn)
   repeat                                               'Repeat forever

     display.str(string("testdata: "))

     waitcnt(cnt + clkfreq)                              'Wait one clock cycle and repeat
     rcvddata := RX(@DataIn)
'     waitcnt(cnt + clkfreq * 2)                         'Wait 2 clock cycles and repeat

PUB RX(_DataIn)
    ReadyFlag := 1                                         'Read Data
    repeat while ReadyFlag == 1                            'Wait here until data is ready 

RX_Propeller_COM        org

              mov       DataIndex,              par        'Read Data Location into DataIndex
              mov       RX_PinMask,             #1         'Create Pin Mask for Input/Output pin
              shl       RX_PinMask,             #RX_Pin

SYNC_Start    waitpeq   RX_PinMask,             RX_PinMask 'Wait for SYNC - HIGH
              waitpne   RX_PinMask,             RX_PinMask 'Wait for SYNC - LOW
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              test      RX_PinMask,             ina wc     'Read RX pin into "C"
              rcl       Buff,#1                            'Rotate Buff left and place "C" in Bit0
              wrlong    Buff,                   DataIndex  'Write Data Value to Indexed location
              add       DataIndex,              #4         'Increment Index value          
              djnz      DataSamples,            #SYNC_Start'Check to see if there are more data samples
              mov       temp,                   #0         'Clear the Ready Flag
              wrlong    temp,                   DataIndex
              cogid     temp                               'Get this COG ID
              cogstop   temp                               'STOP this COG

'initialized variables
DataSamples   long      PacketSize

'uninitialized variables
DataIndex     long      0
Buff          long      0

'aliased variables
RX_PinMask    long      0

Post Edited (teddyp) : 4/9/2010 12:39:35 PM GMT


  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2010-04-09 04:40

    Hi, welcome to the forum!

    just a few things in the code...

    For both:
         - the TX(master) and RX(slave), the number of packets you are sending I reduced
           to 1 since the test data that you are sending is only the length of a LONG.
         - for the attached code I moved the RX and TX pins to pin 7 ... this just
           works better with my setup on this end.  You should be able to use whatever
           pins you want.
    The TX(master):
         - is fine, the way it is, no big changes...
    The RX(slave): 
         - the received data is automatically placed into [b]DataIn[/b] so there is no need
           to define a second variable [b]rcvddata[/b]
         - instead of trying to display the data with [b]display.str(rcvddata)[/b], use
           [b]display.str(@DataIn)[/b] instead

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 4/9/2010 4:47:36 AM GMT
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2010-04-09 05:10
    teddyp said...
    As the topic says, I'm currently trying to exchange some data from a master prop to a slave prop (ran out of cogs). I've downloaded the inter-prop communication object and the modified serial object from the forums and am having no luck with them whatsoever. I'm definitely not grasping some concept here. If I put some dummy data in say...

      TX(@DataOut)              'Transmit Data Packet

    shouldnt it send it out? I'm getting nothing at the receiving side.
    I used your - unchanged - transmitter code (with the exception that I filled the data array with a fixed pattern). I also connected a POS detector counter to the TX pin and the data is definitely leaving the prop (all bits are accounted for). So it looks like either your receiver has some synchronisation issues or the connection between both is unreliable!?

    Incidentally, do you mind adjusting the comment for long DataOut[noparse][[/noparse]PacketSize] in your original post, ATM it's hard to read your post when you have to scroll horizontally.

    Post Edited (kuroneko) : 4/9/2010 1:12:09 PM GMT
  • teddypteddyp Posts: 14
    edited 2010-04-09 12:46
    Thank you so much for the reply. I will be implementing your recommendations very shortly. I have been playing with the code you wrote for this and the object for inter-prop communication and was wondering if I was even sending the data right. The seed was throwing me off, but I believe I understand that concept now. Just generating the "random" string to send data for testing.

    Thanks for the info too. It does seem to be my receive system. Also, thanks for pointing out that comment. I was wondering why it was 80 screens wide and was checking, but I missed that comment somehow. Fixed now... I hope.

    Thanks again you two. I love these parallax forums, you guys are really helpful here and quick with responses.

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