How are UPENE Propeller BOT projects coming for UPENE?
While I'm not "official" playing, the two top secret pieces have just arrived for our bot.
Anyone know how to create very small amounts of directed fog? [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Considering the time of year (in the USA), how about a small smoke bomb? You could light it off by using the firing filament (not sure of the terminology - any rocketeers here?) that they use to remotely launch model rockets. There are a huge number of different types of smoke bombs out there - and it's a lot easier to get them in Ohio than it is in Pennsylvania
Art G. Granzeier III
President, Granzeier Consulting
Considering the time of year (in the USA), how about a small smoke bomb? You could light it off by using the firing filament (not sure of the terminology - any rocketeers here?) that they use to remotely launch model rockets. There are a huge number of different types of smoke bombs out there - and it's a lot easier to get them in Ohio than it is in Pennsylvania
Art G. Granzeier III
President, Granzeier Consulting
Helping to Build a Better Engineer